got you on my mind

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it was late and i couldn't sleep, i wasn't tired either, lately i couldn't sleep because i couldn't stop thinking about Colby.
We had recently stopped talking because he started talking to a girl named Shea and it pissed me off.
He didn't know i liked him, at least officially, and i mean, i thought he liked me too...
i scrolled through my instagram feed, Colby had posted a picture of himself and Shea, with pizza, the caption: "had some fun with this goof,video coming soon but now time for some late night pizza and other stuff ;)"
i literally wanted to cry, but i didn't because im better than that.
i texted Colby, immediately regretting it,

me: Hey Cole.
Colby🖤: hey y/n, i miss you.

me: really?

Colby🖤: of course, Im with shea right now, but we can talk in a few, shes leaving. call me in ten.

me: tell me when.

i sighed closing my phone. he fucking mentioned her too. well at least he's honest...i thought to myself.
His contact ringing on my phone.
i picked up immediately,
"Hey." his deep, beautiful, voice said through the phone and i smiled.
"Hi." i replied, my smile not leaving my mouth.
"Why have you been ignoring me y/n/n..?" he asked calmly.
i hesitated to reply but i couldn't hangup now..
"You've been hanging out with Shea a lot.."
"so?" he asked.
"i don't know...i know we're friends and all..but like i've always seen it as maybe..something i crazy?" i admitted biting my lip nervously.
i heard him sigh through the phone,
"no of course not y/n, i've always seen it as something more too. Shea is a friend i swear."
he gulped, he was actually afraid of losing me.
"Well shes really pretty.." i replied,
"But you're prettier..." he said and i chuckled,
smiling like an idiot.
"i bet." i replied,
"she's never going to rise to your beauty.." i smiled at his comment, blushing intensely, thank god he wasn't beside me.
"I should probably get some sleep, talk tomorrow?" i replied.
"Yes of course" he answered.
"wait before you go." he added and i replied,
"You think you'll be asleep in 15 minutes?" he asked and i furrowed my eyebrows,
"probably." i replied and he sighed,
"ill make it ten, keep your eyes open beautiful, im on my way." he hung up, not giving me a chance to reply.

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