Moral of the story

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''Where'd you find this guy?'' My lawyer asked as we went through our divorce papers, the conference room was cold and quiet, ''Young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes...''

One year ago

''I hate you!'' I screamed as Colby and i painted our new kitchen, the boxes filled with out belongings still spread around our newly paid house. ''I fucking hate you more you piece of shit!'' Colby screamed back, i chuckled as i cried throwing my paint brush on the floor i sat on the floor against the wall, we were recently fighting about Colby texting his ex girl friend to catch up, i felt insecure and sad, i just wanted to slam his head into the wall, ''Y/n we're painting! Help me fucking finish up, get the fuck up!'' He grabbed me by my wrist pulling me up aggressively, i scoffed at him and slapped his chest, he rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrists as he pushed me backwards, i hit the floor and cried, ''Finish this shit.'' He said as he ran out of the kitchen, going into our bed room. I cried silently as i picked up the paintbrush i had thrown, i put it back down as i made my way back following Colby, ''Hey,'' i said as i peeked my head through our bed room door, he sat on the bed on his phone, he didn't look up but he had a smile written on his face. I walked towards him, ripping his phone out of his hand, ''Don't fucking start this shit again y/n, i swear to god!'' He yelled, i walked out of the room, locking myself into our bathroom. I scrolled through his dm's, Shea, i chuckled as i read their flirty texts about meeting up and doing the things they used to. I laughed one more time before whipping his phone at the bathroom tiles, it shattered, i cried as Colby slammed on the door, screaming my name, ''You better not have fucking done what i think you did!'' I cried my face in buried in my knees as i sat there, Colby broke through the door, i looked up slowly as he looked furious, he picked up his phone whipping it at the wall in anger, ''Fuck you!'' He shouted at me, i flinched, he kicked me as i sat there, i screamed in pain. He immediately sat beside me, he hugged me tightly, ''I'm so sorry y/n, i love you so much, i was just angry and i'm stressed, i didn't mean it.'' I cried into his arms.

Five months ago

''Happy wedding day..'' My mother smiled as she kissed my cheek, i stared at myself in the long mirror, ''Thanks mom, i love him so know?'' I felt so beautiful, i couldn't wait until he saw me, i'm sure he'd cry. The ceremony began, as i walked down the aisle Colby didn't gaze at me, yet he gazed into the crowd, i looked to where he could be, Shea...i felt myself grow sad, all i ever wanted was for him to love me, like i loved him. Once i got to the front he grabbed my hand, smile on his face, ''You look great..'' He kissed my hand and everyone awed at him. My heart tightened, was i really going to keep loving someone who didn't love me and manipulated me...''I do.'' We finished our ceremony, he dipped me and kissed me passionately, i felt his rage under neath my body, like he wanted to kick me right now. 

''I'm so happy for you y/n, you really deserved the best guy out there, and i'm so glad that could have been my son.'' My mother in law spoke as she gave me a hug and i smiled at her, i walked throughout the reception looking for Colby, i held onto my long  white gown, i almost tripped over my own foot as my mother caught me in my tracks, ''What's wrong?'' She asked, ''Where is Colby?'' i asked, ''I don't know...let's look..'' We began walking around the reception and then we looked down the hall, we entered the broom closet, where Colby stood there, kissing the black haired girl he always had me worried about. I screamed and punched Shea in the head, pulling her out by her hair as my mother screamed for me to stop, Colby yelled at me, ''Crazy bitch!"' I pushed Shea to the floor and kicked her in my heels, until i felt my mother drag me away, Colby sat by her side, helping her get up instead of following me. I felt like kicking him too, he gave me a disgusted look and i cried.

''Where'd you find this guy?'' Mother pushed my hair behind my ear as i cried in her arms in the front of the reception, ''Some people fall in love with the wrong people some times...'' My mother held me, ''Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay, you can think that you're in love when you're really just in pain..'' She pet my back and i hugged her harder...


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