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"Those were some aggressive things to say Colby." She stood up and grabbed her bikini. I stared at her,
"Maybe but he needs to stop obsessing over you."
"Maybe you need to stop obsessing over me." She replied and i bit my lip, maybe.
"Who cares at least you come back to me, you give him no reason to think you wanna be physical with him, or even romantically involved."
"I kissed him in the pool tonight didn't i?" She replied, "So? You're drunk, you don't know what the fuck you're doing."
"Yeah i do Colby, and i like the way Jake treats me, he's sweet and genuine."
"And im not?" I yelled, she chuckled yet i didn't find anything funny in what i said,
"Definitely not."
"How? I tell you when i wanna fuck you, i fucking make sure you wanna do this, i give you my clothes, i make sure you're comfortable, i make you feel good don't i?" I defended myself and she stood there unconvinced.
"Yeah maybe but that isn't the same, Jake tells me im beautiful and he likes me and my personality and the way i am, you tell me im good at fucking you and sucking your dick, you tell me i have good pussy and a sexy body and face, he tells me he likes my company, he takes me on dates." She sighed at her own words, "I think i just needa take a step back. Figure out my own shit and if im even okay with what we're doing." She stared into my blue eyes and i gave her a sad look, "y/n, we're living in the moment, who cares. You're pleased and im pleased what's so wrong."
"It's just that maybe im not really receiving everything i actually want, i think i was just blinded by the fact that you're really attractive and good at sex. But im just missing more, maybe i need a jake. Maybe we're just better at being friends without the benefits." She smiled lightly, she gave me a kiss on the cheek, "I'll see you soon. Im going home. Maybe we'll see each other another day." She walked out and i laid in my bed rolling my eyes. Of course Jake had to ruin everything for me.

Y/n pov
a week later

I had some time to consider my stuff and i still was doubtful, but i had texted Jake and asked him to hangout today and we went to the movies and back to my place. I told him that i was considering a romantic relationship with him so we'd decided to test it out. Right now i was laying in my bed with Xepher who, like Colby, i hadn't seen since the party.
"So we gonna talk about this or?" She chuckled,
"I dont even know if i want to, i think Jake and i are gonna maybe date, we're testing it out." I smiled and she rolled her eyes, "Not about that, about Colby and Jake like the party what the fuck y/n/n, you went full slut." She teased me and i rolled my eyes with a chuckle, "i know! I was drunk though, i'm sorry, it's hard when two guys are chasing you. I didn't know how to act."
"So you fucked Colby again?" She asked and i nodded, "We were friends with benefits Xeph."
"Oh, shit." She was surprised.
"But it was weird that night, he'd given me his clothes and asked me to sleep with him, and i fell asleep and woke up to him and Jake fighting about me and he was being a total ass, so we started arguing and i told him i need to think about what i want." I explained, "Colby's so fucking hot and good at sex though." I groaned, "Well Jake's gonna treat you like a queen, Colby well, he does what he wants when he wants to." She shrugged, "I guess it really depends on if you actually think somethings gonna come out good with you and Jake, if not fuck it have fun with Colby, even if i warned you about him, it seems like he isn't letting go anytime soon, he been texting you or anything?"
"No he hasn't at all. He's being stubborn i guess he really took what i said seriously, which is good." I sighed. "I don't know about Jake still."
"Well come to the video we're all supposed to film next week, we're going to a studio to practice some dances, but stupid shit, im not even sure, its for Devyn's channel, she wanted the whole trap house in it, i'm sure she wouldn't mind you coming." Xeph offered and i nodded.

One week later

I arrived to the trap house in my benz truck, i parked and knocked at the door, Colby opened it and his eyes widened, "Oh hey." He said dryly,
"Hey." i said as i walked inside.
"Where is everyone?" I asked as i noticed no one was here. "They left, you were late so i volunteered to wait here for you to offer you company to go since you weren't picking up your phone." He faked a smile, "im late?" I asked flabbergasted, he nodded.
"I thought it was at three."
"Nope 2." He sighed, he grabbed a small jacket and grabbed his keys.
"Im sorry Colby but let's take my car." I laughed, he rolled his eyes, "Why?"
"Cause mines better."
"I doubt its better than my sexy corolla but i guess." He said as he followed me to my truck, he looked surprised to see my car.
"I love it." He said as he got into it, "I want it." He looked around, "hmm i'll consider." I chuckled.

"Sooo.." Colby began as we drove off, he entered the address in my gps. "You and Jake huh?"
"I mean maybe." I shrugged, "still lost?"
"Yeah." I chuckled, "he's so sweet."
"Right, what's stopping you then?" He stared at me as i faced the road, i looked over to him then back at the street, "You are." i said proudly, he smirked,
"Of course,"
"Don't be so proud, he's your friend."
"Right, you wanna stop and talk somewhere? I didn't really wanna go to this anyways." He asked, i considered and hesitantly agreed.

We stopped at a star bucks and talked in my car.
"I don't wanna stop seeing you y/n, it's been two weeks and i haven't stopped thinking about you." He licked his lips, "Really?" I raised an eyebrow he nodded. "Me neither." I admitted, he smirked,
"Good then. Why did you agree to seeing Jake then?"
"Cause our friendship is missing something and its called feelings and care." I pointed out, he looked around and sighed, "thats true. But we have such good chemistry." He leaned over towards me,
"Dont we?" He whispered and i stared down at his lips, "Fuck Colby stop doing this." I huffed and he smiled, "doing what?"
"getting me riled up." I sighed, He licked his lips, "what do you mean?" He said innocently,
" You know what." I felt myself give up, he smirked once and i shoved myself onto his lips, i kissed him with hunger and he did it back.

"Let's go to a different spot." Colby said as he pulled away, i wiped my mouth and started my car. Driving to a location that had no one around. Once we got there i jumped onto his side and climbed onto him. I felt him get hard under me and smirked as i continued to kiss him very hard. He held onto my boobs and i undid his pants, i struggled to get mine off in the front seat but i got them off, then i sat onto him like a week ago and rode him. If felt so good inside me, like i was warmer and more filled then before. I was pleased with the feeling of the thrusts and i came. Not long after so did he.

I cursed at myself for the things we'd done and drove him back home. "Hey make sure to tell Jake, things have changed." He smirked as he hopped out of my car, i rolled my eyes and drove away.

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