my fault (2)

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colbys pov

( four months later)

i walked into y/n's hospital room, she looked the same, she was breathing by herself now, which was very good. I made my way to the chair next to her, sitting in it, grabbing her hand as i always did, holding it tightly,
"I havent come in a month. I know.. im sorry, i've just been, not okay, i smile on camera y/n, the fans ask about you and i have to stay strong but i wanna break down and cry, because i miss you so god damn much. But they can't see that. but i think they see it either way, cause, fans have been posting things about how im not the same and im not, you made me better, without you im nothing..." i sighed, kissing her hand.
"i went on a date a few nights ago," i took a deep breath, "it was horrible." i laughed.
"she wanted to stay the night, and i denied but she tried to force herself on me. but i couldn't, your body is the only one i want. fuck. Sam forced me to go on that date, You're the only girl i will ever love this much. But the boys want me to move on, i want to try so this will be my last visit to you, ever. I want to try and be happy, the doctor said you're barely making it and i can't just sit here forever and i hate myself for this, because its all my fault, but i need to try y/n/n, i know its what you'd want for me." i forced myself not to cry.
"I missed your hand." i laughed,
"wow, i miss your voice. It was annoying and kind of high pitched but, damn, i miss it now.." i smiled thinking about our third date, at my house, we sat in our sweat pants, playing fortnite and y/n kept raging and yelling at the tv.
"i haven't slept in forever. i miss your cuddles." i sighed. shutting up before i made myself cry.
"i love you y/n/n, i hope you can hear me.." i said softly and her machined started to flatline,
"What the fuck is going on?" i yelled running to her side as doctors ran in, pushing me aside but i fought back and we all stepped back as
y/n opened her eyes, gasping for air.
i ran towards her and hugged her tightly and cried onto her shoulder.
"Oh my god y/n. im so fucking sorry." i cried and she hugged me tighter.
"i-i love you." she said in a groggy almost dead voice.
i pulled away looking into her eyes and kissing her lips softly and she smiled immediately,
"I thought you were going to be like that forever."
"id never leave you."

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