Questions i ask myself every second every day

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whys colby actually so fucking cute when hes mooing at cows? (colbys fear of cows is adorable)
why are sam and Kat goals?
whys sam so precious?
who would even hate the boys?
whys sam so soft?
how can colby be soft and sexy asf at the same time?
why is Sam not in my country?
why cant i know the boys in real life?
why isnt Colby my mans?
why cant i xplr with them?
when is Colby finna marry me?
Why cant i have Colbys nirvana sweater?
who can fucking pick a side, between Sam And colby, like there is so Colby without sam and no sam without colby, yall needa chill
whys colbys voice talking to a dog so fkn precious?
(imma just stop now)

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