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(So, this is the first chapter with Dr Dufre but it does not give any background on their relationship. This will appear in the next chapter, which I actually wrote first before I realised that this (and the previous one) came first in the first part. So please excuse the lack of context between them! Enjoy xx)

 So please excuse the lack of context between them! Enjoy xx)

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His mouth falls open and his pen out of his hands. He ushers me over to the chairs and I sit down, running a hand through my hair.

The alcohol had left my system and the memories came flooding back from last night the moment I woke up. My anger, her fear, Camila's concern (and annoyance).

"But, why would you do that?" Dr Dufre asks, confused.

Well obviously I didn't want to.

He had his notebook and pen with him, resting on his leg. I had asked a few times to see my file, or rather files, but he refused. It was reserved for him and if I became too dangerous to myself, possibly my father.

"Would it make you feel any better if I told you it was because I drank a shit load of whiskey?" I offer and he groans.

"I thought we left that in the past?" He asks and I shrug.

"You know the way I get when I am angry," I say.

I go crazy. My head begins to spin and if I do not let it out then I drink my anger away. Of course, when I am sober I realise how idiotic it is. Alcohol only heightens my emotions, be it attraction or fury, and when I am a vengeful drunk...it is not pretty.

"What made you angry?" He asks, his voice back to his therapist-like tone.

If anybody knew how much I wanted that CEO job, it would be Dr Dufre. He knew everything about him, and, like he told me every time I visited, he knew me better than I knew myself.

"He may give the position to Federico," I say through gritted teeth.

I was half expecting him to chastise me for getting drunk for such a silly reason. That I had overreacted and then he would tell me that everything would be okay.

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