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"WHAT DO YOU mean you don't know? That sounds like cowardice to me," My father says sternly

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"WHAT DO YOU mean you don't know? That sounds like cowardice to me," My father says sternly.

Trust my father to be so wonderfully blunt about it. I groan and slump further against the the couch. He sighs and turns to me with a softer expression. His probing eyes asked me to elaborate.

"She is the most fascinating woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She's made my heart palpitate in ways that no one else has ever come close. When I'm standing very close to her, despite my confident facade, I can barely breathe. She quite literally takes my breath away whenever I look at her, and I'm always looking at her. I can't help it. She's a beacon that always draws me closer.

"But it's more than how stunning she is. My knees don't become weak just because she's mesmerising, it's just the way she is. The way she cared for me when I gave her absolutely no reason to. She's given me something that I never even knew existed beyond parents and best friends, unconditional love. When I look at her, I see a future. I see the possibility of being happy.

"I also see the potential to break her heart in a million pernicious ways that would have devastating consequences on our relationship. I am not willing to lose her, not at all. She's made me feel things that I never want to stop feeling, I never want that to end. That is why I can never allow myself to get that close to her. I also know that I am inadvertently pushing her away, which I don't want to do. Fuck."

He sits still for a while, silent. He was always dead silent with his eyebrows furrowed when he was carefully analysing something. He was a logical, methodical person.

"Other than teenage hormonal heart palpitations, what other hints are there?" He asks.

"You want to hear about my sex life?" I ask him amusedly. For the first time in my life, I see my father cringe.

"Censor it as well as you can. I don't need any details of the...action." It was an extremely awkward situation, but I wanted it to last forever so that I could relish in my father's awkward body language.

"When I was with Lara, it was physically pleasurable. It was a relief of all the stress that would have been building up throughout the day or week.

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