• 2.12 •

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(This may not be the most interesting of chapters, but I do hope you enjoy it. It tackles his maternal family, with a flashback! Enjoy!)

 It tackles his maternal family, with a flashback! Enjoy!)

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I suppose that it is what people do at funerals, at one point people have to leave. They have lives to go back to, their world had not stopped spinning. There was still light in their life and they would not have to go back to home shrouded in darkness and pain.

They did not lose their mother, an angel who had returned home.

I wanted to be furious with everybody else. They even managed to crack a few smiles during the memorial service. I was angry that they were not feeling the same pain as I was, that they had no inkling of how this was tearing me apart and my father. They were able to get on with their lives. Then, I realised that they did not know her the way we did and that I could not expect them to mourn the same way, even though all I wanted was for everybody to have their heart ripped out.

I was in my room, staring at a picture of the three of us. I realised then that we would never be that happy again. our smiles would never stretch that wide again. It broke my heart to imagine how my father would survive without my mother. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see my uncle Derek. He also sported red eyes.

People had always said that we looked alike, that I had gotten his best features as well as my father's. I had always taken it as the highest compliment. He and my father were the strongest men I knew, and I took my similarities to them as a source of ambition.

"Hey kid," he says.

"I don't want to live without her," I whisper and he chokes back a sob.

"None of us do, Diego, but we all will. It is what she would want from us. Can you imagine how hurt she would be if she saw that we put our lives on hold because of her? It would break her. So, I want-need you to carry on fighting, for her."

"You guys will always be here right?" I ask shakily.

"Of course. You will never face anything alone. I promise to be by your side until my dying breath."

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