I. My Hot New Neighbor

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"Mister Unicorn! Halt in the name of rainbow skittles!" I pointed my sparkly wand at him.

The white unicorn stops and flips his long braided colorful hair to the side. "You shall never get me the prettiest princess of the Candy Land!"

"I shall ride you across the chocolate gummy worm ice cream river!" I circled my wand and a blue bunny appeared.

He rolls his eyes, "A rabbit?! Oh no! I'm so scared!"

"Be afraid, Mister Unicorn! Attack BunBun!" I yelled.

BunBun hopped on Mister Unicorn's face.

"I give up, Princess Alice!" He bowed down.

I jumped on his back with BunBun. We went to the chocolate gummy worm ice cream river. "Ice cream for all!" I shouted. Lollipops and tootsie rolls fall from the sky.

"We love you, Princess Alice," they all said. They kiss my cheeks and the clouds become hearts.

"Yummy ice cream," I mumble.

A pink kangaroo jumps in front of me, "Wake up!"

"What do you mean, Miss Jum? We have a creamy cream ice cream. I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream!" I giggle.

"No, it's time to wake up!" she shouts.

I stuffed the ice cream into my mouth. My lips smacked and I looked down. "This ice cream tastes funny." I stuck out my tongue and gagged.

"Wake up!" Miss Jum shouts."Wake up!"

I jump up from the bed. "Extra chocolate and yummy sprinkles on my super icy ice cream, please!"

My eyes met with a pair of deep brown. "What are you doing in my room, Waffles?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes, pushing her glasses upward. "This is my room, Pancakes," she said.

I looked around to see bunk beds and a fish tank. "Oh, why are you in your ro-" She hit my head before I could finish.

"Because it's my room, and you got drool all over my pillow!" She threw the pillow on the floor. It had a wet spot. I fell asleep while she was in violin practice.

I jump off her bed and slip towards the kitchen. "Do you have food?" I open the fridge door.

Tyler, Nina's older brother, came out with a toothbrush in his mouth. "Why are you eating our food?!"

"Because you're too fat! I'm eating it so you can get a girlfriend!" I threw a bowl of spaghetti in the microwave.

"I'm glad I'm not your older brother. I might just roll into my grave!" He went back into the bathroom. I stuck out my tongue at him. "Put it back in!"

My tongue disappears into my mouth and I turn away. I don't know how he does that. When the microwave beep, I swung it open and grabbed the bowl. "Hot hot hot," I threw the bowl of spaghetti onto the counter. Nina poured herself a bowl of cereal and ignored me. She's used to it.

Nina grew up with four brothers, with Tyler being the oldest, and two sisters. She told me it's hard and annoying growing up with so many siblings. Sometimes, she wishes she was an only child like me. But, Nina doesn't know how great she has it. I like her house since it's always so loud and cheerful. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and dad, but sometimes it gets lonely at home when they are at work. When I grow up, I want a big warm family like Nina, with a lot of kids.

I rub my large stomach, "Nina, I love your mom cooking."

"Are we going to the park?" she asked.

"What else are we going to do in this boring town?"

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