Chapter 19: Tour Guide

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I woke up with Dally's arms around me. I tried to get up so I could get ready but made a small noise and his grip got tighter. I kissed him on the nose and he smirked. I honestly couldn't tell if he was sleeping or if he was awake. I looked at him and I started smiling. He looked like a child again. Stress free and happy. His grip loosened a bit so I quickly moved away from him before he could tighten his grip. I gave him a kiss and went to the bathroom to shower.

I walked into the shower and as I was rinsing the soap out of my hair when someone pulled me to them pressing me against them. They started biting my neck lightly until they started sucking on it harshly. I pushed them away and looked at them.

It was Dallas.

"Angel, it's just me" he said.

"Sorry. I thought you were someone else" I said.

He shook his head and pulled me to him again. He started biting my neck again.

"Dallas, you're gonna leave a hickey" I said but then he slapped my ass.

"Dally stop it" I said and he hesitated but continued on.

"Dallas Tucker Winston get out right now" I said but he didn't budge.

I pushed him off and grabbed my towel wrapping it around me and walked out to our room.

She told me to stop but I couldn't. I loved her to much and I wanted her. I wanted to show her that I care.

Once I got into my room I changed into my outfit for today. I wore a pink swimsuit with a white off the shoulder romper. I walked out to see Amber cooking breakfast.

"Can I help?" I asked.

"Sure, grab me the eggs please" she said and I grabbed the eggs.

"Have you gotten the chocolate cake yet?" I asked.

"Oh, I forgot. Can you start mixing the stiff together" she asked chuckling nervously.

I grabbed the cake mix and whatever I needed and started mixing the ingredients. Once I finished I put it in the pan and set it in the oven. I helped Amber with whatever she needed and soon breakfast was done.

We set the plates and silverware down and sat my the tv waiting for everyone to wake up.

"Is Dally being nice to you?" she asked.

"Yeah, we just have our little disagreements now and then" I said.

"Why aren't you guys together right now?" she asked.

"Argument" I said plainly.

"What'd he do?" she asked.

"I told him to stop touching me but he didn't" I said and she nodded.

Dally came out of our room and sat next to me nervously. Amber got up and looked at us with a nervous expression.

"I'm gonna go see if's up" she said walked away.

I sat there as Dally looked at me and looked away.

"Theres some breakfast if you want some" I said to him.

"I don't want any unless you're gonna eat with me" he said.

I sighed and shook my head. I got up and went outside to the porch.

She's upset at me I know that. I got up and knocked on Amber and Soda's door.

"Dal?" Amber said confused.

"I messed up..." I said.

"Dallas, you started touching Lexi and she told you to stop and you didn't. Of course she's mad" she said rolling her eyes.

"I love her Amber. I just wanted her to know I love her" I said.

"Dal, can you think of any other way to tell her you love her other than touching her?" she asked.

"Go talk to her" she said and I nodded.

I went outside and she wasn't on the porch so I went to the beach and saw her sitting in the sand looking at the ocean.

"Lexi...I'm sorry" I said.

She turned around and looked at me.

"I didn't mean to. I just wanted to show that you mean a lot to me..." I said looking down.

"Please forgive me" I said.

She got up and stared to walk away. I grabbed her arm and picked her up and kissed her gently. She smiled while we kissed and I pulled away gently.

"I know I don't say this a lot Angel but I love you. I love you so much Angel" I said.

She looked at me and kissed me.

"I love you too" she said smiling.

"I really didn't mean it like that. I just didn't know how else to tell you I love you. Forgive me?" I asked.

"Of course Tex" she said smiling.

"Lets go before we miss the bus" she said chuckling.

We ran to the front where we saw everyone else waiting. The bus arrived and we boarded in taking a seat. I sat next to Lexi and held her hand.

We spent the rest of the day at the tour and it was currently 7:00pm. Dal and I went to our room and crashed onto the pillows falling asleep holding each other close.

I keep forgetting to put the Hawaii photos in so I'll do it later or at the end cause I don't feel like it.

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