Chapter 62: Forgivness?

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I woke up to soft crying. I looked over and saw Lexi burying her head in my chest crying. I had feelings for her but she loves Dallas and is with Dal. I knew she wouldn't ever pick me. I played with her hair and kissed her forehead.

"Lexi? You alright. What's wrong?" I whispered and she woke up with a start.

"I'M SORRY!" she screamed and sat up with tears rolling down her face.

I looked at her wiping her tears from her face. God she's beautiful.

"Whats wrong?" I asked her while hugging her.

"Nightmare" she muttered.

"Do you know what nightmares are?" I asked gently.


"Broken Dreams"

"Is it bad I want Dallas still?" she asked breaking my heart.

"What if he wants the kid?" I asked trying to sound helpful.

"I don't know" she mumbled.

I love this girl but I knew I couldn't have her. A part of me wanted to ruin what she has with Dallas but I could never do it.

I woke up and saw Amber standing over me. She smacked me and I saw it was 11:30.

"What?" I hissed.

"I'm gonna look for Lexi. You either come or you don't. I don't care" she said with a shrug.

I sighed and left the bar following her. We searched and searched until we reached the lot. I saw her sitting there with Johnny talking.

"Angel?" I asked with a smile.

She got up and walked away. I looked at Amber and she just shrugged. Johnny got up and slapped me upside the head. It was weird.

I decided to go to the lot like Amber asked. To at least show Dal I was fine. Once I got there Johnny was sitting on the ground smoking. I sat down and looked at him.

"Lexi? Dallas is looking for you" he said blowing the smoke away from me.

"Thanks Johnny and I know...I'm pregnant did he tell ya that?" I said and his eyes widened.

"What?! Congrats! Is Dal happy?"

"Umm...I left before he could react"


"He doesn't like kids and I couldn't face the fact he would criticise me or he would just straight up leave"

"Dal wouldn't do that" he said and I just shrugged.

"He loves you ya know that?" he said and I nodded.

"Hows Madi?" I asked smiling.

"Great. I love her. She makes me happy" he said with a smile.

"You know I thought I was worthless and that I should just end it all. You know the pain and trouble and whatever but Madi showed me love and now I know I'm actually worth it" he said smiling. I smiled and showed him my wrists.

"I've done the same. I know Dal loves me but I don't want him being angry over something I didn't have complete control over" I said and he nodded.

Soon I saw Amber walk up with Dal. I looked up and Dallas smiled.

"Angel?" he said and smiled wider.

I couldn't take it so I got up and walked away. He probably didn't care I was pregnant cause he didn't even bother chasing me. I saw Johnny get up and hit Dal upside the head and walk towards me. So did Amber leaving Dally alone.

"He misses you ya know?" Amber said.

"I don't know Amber. I miss him too but he doesn't like kids and I want to keep him or her"

"Lexi, you don't have to go back with Dallas but could you at least ask him what he thinks?" Johnny asked and I shrugged.

We talked until I got to Erik's place and Johnny looked at me confused.

"Don't tell Dallas" I said and walked in.

"Hey Lexi!" Erik said smiling.

I looked at him and fell to the ground in tears.  He got up quickly and knelt down hugging me.

"Lexi? What's wrong?" he asked playing with my hair.

"I-I umm I-I ran into D-Dallas and and he umm..." I tried getting out but he just shook his head.

"Hungry?" he asked and I nodded.

He picked me up and sat me on the couch.

"Dude...I'm fucking fat and you still somehow lifted me up" I said shocked cause I've been eating a lot.

"Nah, you're light as a feather to me" he said with a chuckle.

"You're sweet" I said giggling.

He made dinner and made me a plate. I got up but then he shook his head.

"No, stay on the couch get comfortable. You can eat in the living room" he said smiling.

"I don't wanna crumb though" I said and he just chuckled.

"Its fine" he said and I nodded not wanting to argue.

"Thank you" I said and he nodded.

We ate and afterwards he picked the plates up and washed them.

"You know...i'm probably only one month pregnant and you're already treating me like a queen. I can still help out ya know" I said and he smiled.

"Well you are a queen to me so I'm just treating you like you should be treated like. Also I don't care if you're only one month pregnant I don't want you to do hard work cause it could be bad for the baby"

"Erik Rodney Reynolds! I'm not a damn damsel in distress!"

"I never said that Alexis Jade Grey but I just don't want you or the baby to be hurt" he said and I realised I just lashed out.

"I'm sorry Erik I didn't mean to yell" I said looking down.

He sat next to me and hugged me.

"Its fine okay?" he said and I nodded.

"Wanna watch a movie?" he asked.

"Sure. Can we watch a horror movie?"

"No, you're pregnant!" he snapped.

I looked at him and frowned. His face softened up and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry Lexi I just. I don't want you hurt" he said and I nodded.

Soon we just ended up watching a scary comedy cause why not right?

I was watching Stitches with Lexi and she seemed to really enjoy it. There was this bloody scene and I covered her eyes with my hands and she moved her head licking my arm.

"Hey!" I yelled out and she giggled. God I loved this girl.

Funny. I fell in love with the girl I can't have. I wiped my arm on her and she laughed.

"That wasn't nice" she said and I shook my head.

"You licked me!" I said defensively.

"Don't be a party pooper" she said and I shook my head in disappointment.

The movie was almost over and I felt Lexi resting her head on my lap. I looked down and saw her asleep. I smiled to myself and shut the tv off. I didn't wanna wake her so I ended up staying like that resting my head on the cushion.

I hope you enjoyed. See you later and Stay Gold!

Two Broken People || Alexis Grey and Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now