Chapter 51: Trying Again

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I was sitting on my bed crying. I missed her and she left all because of some fucking dumb mistake. I wish I never dated Sylvia. Why the hell do I fuck everything up? I've been up for four nights without any sleep freaking out the whole time. The door opened and Buck stood against the doorframe and Sofia stood next to him.

"Sofia, is she doing better without me?" I asked her hesitantly.

"Somewhat" she said making this weird face.

I nodded and got up and went downstairs. I sat on my stool staring off into space. Lexi is the love of my life and i'd do anything for her. She was the light to my darkness. She made me soft. I love her. I actually experienced love with her. No matter through all our fights I couldn't rest without knowing she's alright. Without knowing she still loves me but I know she doesn't.

"Buck...drink...I don't care what it is" I said without looking up.

He passed me a drink and I chuckled.

"Hard drink" I said passing the cup back.

He handed me some drink I couldn't recognize. I raised my glass and took a drink. I kept drinking and drinking up until I forgot. Soon after maybe 20 drinks I was out cold.

I woke up and saw the scissors on the desk. I looked at them and shook my head. I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it. I turned on the faucet watching the tub fill. Once it was filled I laid into it and looked up at the ceiling.

Did I still love Dallas? Why did I start cutting? Was it because of him? Should I forget about him?

I didn't know what to think. On my way I brought a bottle of beer and starting drinking it. I drank the whole damn thing. I started getting dizzy. Everything was turning dark. That was the last thing I saw.

I was upset with Lexi and Dallas. She shouldn't have hurt herself and Dallas shouldn't have broke her heart. I went to her bedroom door and knocked. When no one answered I opened it and saw the scissors on the desk. The weird thing is that it was untouched....I walked the halls until I saw a light in the bathroom. I didn't hear anything but I knocked. No one answered. I tried opening the door and it wouldn't open. I tried breaking it in but it wouldn't budge. I ran downstairs and grabbed the phone calling Buck's place.

"Bell what are you doing?" Brooke asked me confused.

"Baby, I think Lexi hurt herself again"

"Don't call the medics!" she said taking the phone.

"Baby, it's Dallas I'm calling" I said and she gasped.

The phone rang until Buck answered.

"This is Buck"

"Buck where's Dal?!" I said quickly.

"Passed out...he drank a lot"

"Wake him up. Lexi I think she did something"

"Oh fuck. I'll wake him up"

I got a call from Bell saying Lexi might have hurt herself I poked Dallas. He wouldn't wake up. I tried so much until I just slapped him. Sofia came over wrapping her arms around me.

"What are you doing?" she asked resting her head on my shoulder.

"Dallas needs to wake up. Lexi hurt herself we think" I said and her eyes widened.

She moved away from me and kissed Dally's cheek. He woke up...what the fuck.

"Lex?" he muttered.

"How'd you do that?!" I frantically asked.

"You know...lexi once told me that Dal is a heavy sleeper but would wake up to her kisses" she said chuckling.

I woke up to someone kissing my cheek.

"Lex?" I said confused.

It was Buck and Sofia. They were talking and I stood up. I stumbled until Buck caught me and sat me down. He gave me some asprins and a water. My heart honestly hurt more than my head did.

"We think lexi hurt herself" he said and I choked on my water.


"We need you to bust the door" he said and I left Bucks faster than you could saw him name. I ran in not caring. I saw Bell and went up to him.

"Where's Lexi!" I asked frantically.

"Bathroom. Doors jammed" he said and I ran from him.

I moved the doorknob and nothing happened. I started hitting it but it wouldn't budge. I kept trying to ram the door but it wouldn't work.

"Come on...please let this door open" I muttered.

I slammed myself against the door harder than ever. Harder than I think Darry would even hit the door cause he tried and he couldn't move it. There I saw Lexi in the tub cold and pale. I picked her up wrapping her in the towel. I carried her to her room and the gang left me alone. I got her dressed and I saw her cuts. I stroked them gently tracing what she cut into herself. I wanted to hug her tell her I love her but I knew she didn't love me. I sat in the chair and made a tiny cut in my arm. I sighed and cleaned up my cut. I watched her waiting for her to wake up.

I woke up and saw Dallas on the chair crying. I sat up and walked to the door.

"Lexi...I'm sorry. I really am" he said and I scoffed.

"Lexi! Look at me!" he yelled and I tuned and looked at him crossing my arms.

I know you moved on
I heard you're doing better without me
Girl this is drivin' me crazy
Can't you see what you're doing to me

Once he finished I shook my head and walked out. I sat on the couch and I saw Dallas leave the house.

After she left I freaked out. I started having a melt down. I loved this girl and she didn't love me back. I tried so hard to get her back. I'm running out of shit to do! I started crying after all our memories came to me. I cried and looking at her room made it worse. I wanted this girl in my arms. I left her room going down the stairs still crying. I left the house and went back to Bucks where I drank till 2am.

I hope you liked the chapter! Stay gold!

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