Chapter 36: Alone

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I sat in my room not coming out. I haven't ate in 5 days plus Dally's birthday was on Friday. Today was Thursday. I sat there alone crying while the same words repeated in my head.

"You fat bitch!"

I cried and cried until I heard a knock at the door.

"W-Who is it?" I stammered.

"Dal, can I come in?" he asked.

"I-I" I started but he cut me off.

"Angel, I haven't seen you since May. It's been five months since I've seen you. Don't make me wait more. I know I told you to move on and I made that mistake of letting you go. We don't have to be together but can we at least be friends?" he asked.

I got up and opened the door to see Dally's face busted up a bit but still he was smirking. He looked at me and his face saddened. I kinda forgot I look like a mess.

"I'm sorry...I'm kinda a mess" I said quietly.

"You still look gorgeous to me" he said smiling

I sat in my bed thinking if I should go talk to lexi. I missed her so much. I haven't seen her for five months. Not even a glance. Haven't heard her laugh, seen her smile, seen her smirk, I haven't seen her at all. Suddenly there was a knock at my door. I opened it to see Sofia smirking.

"What Sofia?" I asked.

"I found the Soc who messed with Lexi" she said.

"Lets get em" I said and we ran out of Bucks.

We found the guy in the lot tired to a tree.

"Really Sofia you tied him to a tree" I said and she shrugged.

"You know you messed with my girl and her best friend. No one, I mean no one touches her except me you got it?!" I spat in his face.

"Not what happened when I fucked her and she screamed I was so much better then you ever were" he spat spitting at me.

I punched him in the eye and he groaned.

"Sofia, untie him..." I said.

"Why" she asked.

"So it's fair" I said.

Once she untied him he swung at her.

"Woah buddy, didn't you momma tell you not to hit girls?" she said punching him in the face.

Soon all three of us we're having a full blown fist fight. Once the Soc was beaten to a bloody pulp like he did to Lexi we left. He may have gotten worse though. As we walked away I decided to walk Sofia home. As we were walking I got a call from Amber.

"Yeah" I said.

"Its Lexi. She hasn't left her room in five days and I'm really worried about her. She might be doing something dumb I don't know" she said.

"Alright. I'm coming" I said and Sofia and I ran to Amber's place.

I opened the door and ran through. Amber and the other girls helped Sofia with her cuts and stuff no matter how many times she said she was fine. I knocked on the door and she answered. Once I told her how I felt she opened the door. She looked pale and smaller than normal. Her hair was all over the place and was only in a tank top and shorts. I quickly glanced and her arms and I didn't see any cuts. That's good. We went inside and sat on her bed. I saw the scissors so I knew she was probably thinking about it.

"Lexi, why are you trapping yourself here?" I asked her.

"I don't know" she said.

"Lexi tell me please" I pleaded.

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