Chapter 4: Class Clowns

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The teacher escorted the class out into the gym and had us sit on the gym bleachers. As we went out we saw the boys already there talking and laughing. We sat at the top of the bleachers while boys sat at the bottom. The teachers explained to the expectations, rules, and procedures but I honestly didn't care at the moment. I wanted to go home, change and eat a bag of hot cheetos. Iris and I paid most attention to the instructors but Iris was more focused on Khalil. Class finally ended and we went to our last period, World Geo. Iris and I sat right next to each other. We started talking like the other kids were. But then we heard this loud bang. It was the geography teacher with a wooden ruler. He was trying to get our attention I guess. The bell hasn't even rang yet so I didn't understand why he needed our attention so early.

Teacher: No talking!!!

Everyone: *still talking*

Teacher: I said NO talking!! *smacks ruler on desk*

Everyone: *quiet*

Teacher: Young men over there, get your butt off of the top of that desk. It belongs in a chair and young lady, *turns to her* pull down that skirt this is not a Ludicrous video. We do not dress that way. *turns towards white board*

Khalil and Diggy: *walks in* what up peoples?? 

Everyone: Hey 

Teacher: That is no way to greet anyone and don't interrupt my class. *turns around* why isn't it the class clown and the ladies’ man also as known as the class distraction.

Khalil: *smacks his teeth* man

Diggy: Why hello to you too. *rolls his eyes as he walks away*

Teacher: You two will behave in my class, and Daniel, don't try to hit on every girl you see in this class. You, Khalil, and that other boy....what was his name? Uh lil fist, or lil chris *interrupted by Daniel*

Diggy: It's Lil Twist 

Teacher: Yeah, you know who I'm talking about. You, Khalil and Twist is a distraction to the girls in this class and I don't like it so there is no talking while the lesson and eyes stay forward.

Diggy: *looks towards Elana and then turns back towards the teacher* Yeah...sure.

Teacher: Diggy I mean it. *gets serious*

Diggy: *raises voice a little very annoyed* Ok I get it *mumbles* you just mad because your old wrinkled self can't get one.

Khalil: *smirks and tries not to laugh*

Teacher: I don't see anything funny Mr. Khalil,that goes for you to and that other gentleman when he gets here. *starts changing the topic to rules of his class*

Khalil: *mumbles* yeah whatever

We all sat through that boring class period and listen to him lecture. The bell rang and finally we could go home.

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