Chapter 22: Better

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Tristen P.O.V.

I finished my food and headed upstairs. I was happy to know I have a good boyfriend. I walked into the room to see Twist on the phone. I don’t like to listen on conversations but this boy was being real loud.

Twist: YO dig!!! I got her man!

Tristen: *walks to over night bag*

Twist: Thanks man. I’m so happy. I don’t even know why I’m excited. Oh well though.

Tristen: *gets clothes and goes change*

Twist is so crazy. I changed into my clothes. That’s when I realized that I was about to be in big trouble when I got home. So I needed to make a good excuse. My mom Christa has been very cranky because of my dad and her arguing. I leave out of the bathroom and go put my pajamas back. Twist was off the phone by then.

Twist: Ready to go?

Tristen: Yeah *grabs bag*

Twist: *takes it from her* I’ll carry it

Tristen: Thank you

We go to the car and I get inside. I hear the clicking of his trunk. Moments later he gets in the car and starts to drive. We didn’t have much to say to each other at that point. Minutes later we were in the driveway of my house. I knew my mom was going to know something was up when I come in the house with my bag. So I had to leave it with Twist.

Twist: Well I guess this is where we depart. *signs*

Tristen: Yeah I guess so. Twist; keep my bag in the trunk of your car. My mom would flip out if she found out I spent the night at my boyfriend’s house.

Twist: I like the way boyfriend sounds. *smiles*

Tristen: Gosh Twist. You’re so LOVEY DOVEY today. *grins*

Twist: You made me that way.

Tristen: *leans in*

Twist: *leans in also*

Tristen and Twist kiss until Tristen breaks the kiss.

Tristen: I need to go, I love you

Twist: I love you too

Tristen: *kisses cheek and leaves out of car*

Twist: *backs out of drive way*

I go inside my house to see my mom sitting right there in her day dress and pearls. To be honest I haven’t saw my mom like that in a while. I was kind of happy. That showed that things were getting better.

Christa: Where were you?

Tristen: I left the house early this morning.

Christa: For?

Tristen: I wanted fresh air since you and dad had been arguing.

Christa: Oh ok well next time let me know before you leave the house.

Tristen: Sorry mom. I thought you were asleep.

Christa: No way darling. I had been up since six am this morning trying to find something wear. I went to breakfast with some old friends of mine and their kids. I wanted you to go so you can meet the two girls. Well you can meet Iris and Elana when we go again.

Tristen: I know them already their friends of mine.

Christa: Oh ok then.

Tristen: Is everything ok between you and dad?

Christa: Yeah we’re fine. We just had a few altercations that is all. It happens all the time. A marriage wouldn’t be a marriage without fights.

Tristen: Glad to hear that, bye mom *goes upstairs to room*

I laid on my bed and called Iris and Tristen to let them know Twist was my boyfriend. They were so hyped about it, just like Twist was. We all stayed on the phone for at least 1 hour just talking about everything. Once I hung up with everyone, I grabbed my Mp3 player and started to listen to music till I fell asleep.

On My Own A Diggy Simmons Love Story Book 2Where stories live. Discover now