Chapter 12: Issues

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Everyone turned towards the door. Mr. Brown was yelling his voice out. There is a window in the door but he can only see so much. Everyone started going back to their original desk. Took out paper and started writing like little angels. 2 minutes later after all the yelling there was a turn of the lock at the door. It was the principal and him. He looked as if we all were going to get a tree branch beating.

Mr. Brown: I got to the office to get papers and come back to find that I was locked outside my classroom

Principal: Who did this?

Mr. Brown: Answer her, who did it? Was it ladies man Diggy? Or was it class clown Khalil? Oh you know what it could’ve been Twist. All suspects in my book.

Cory: It was none of their fault it was YOURS. You should have took your class key, you kept the classroom door open but actually it closed behind you. Your door must’ve been locked from the outside earlier today. Its okay we all make mistakes. By the way no one came to the door because of your fourth rule; no gets out their seat.

Principal: See, there you have it, case closed. Have a good afternoon Mr. Brown.

Mr. Brown: But, that’s not what happened

Principal: It’s okay to be wrong Mr. Brown. *walks out the door*

Mr. Brown: I don’t like what *interrupted by final bell ringing*

Class: *hurries and pack their stuff, leaves out the door*

~~~~Burger Heaven~~~

Tristen’s p.o.v.

Today was so wild. Including last period. I really enjoy being at this school but as far as Twist hitting on me, I’m not sure. I don’t want to be in a relationship right because of my last boyfriend…Ricardo.

Diggy’s P.o.v.

We’re at my favorite place to eat burgers. Elana knows I love this place. She’s been acting kind of weird after that whole argument thing or whatever. I know I’m mad at Iris. She shouldn’t have done what she did. I love my face, I’m not trying to be conceded but I love it and so does the ladies. Not only that but she can’t just start attacking people because she assumed they really are pregnant. I don’t know how Khalil is going to tame that wild beast. But she sure as hell shouldn’t be going to any parties that can pop up.

Elana P.o.v

I grabbed Diggy’s food from the counter. I placed it in front of him and kissed his cheek. I’ve been feeling bad that I assumed something like that. I feel so…Idk. Iris literally attacked Diggy. I know he’s mad, I can tell in his face. But that was HILARIOUS! I love Iris so much and Diggy I just hope they are cool with each other.

Khalil: *kisses iris cheek*

Iris: *blushes*

Tristen: you two are such a cute couple

Twist: Yeah they cool but what about me and you?

Tristen: don’t even start

Twist: fine…but yeah ya’ll a cool couple

Diggy: *mumbles* more like a tamer and a bull

Twist: *laughs*

Iris: What’s so funny?

Twist: Nothing, nothing *stuff fries in his mouth*

Diggy: *looks at Twist and smiles*

Twist: *looks back at Diggy and laughs again*

Iris: Hello? It’s obvious it’s more than nothing

Twist and Diggy: *looks at her then laughs*

Iris: Oh so It’s about me. I already know who the jokester here is. But guess what? That person at this table is nothing but a coward.

Diggy: A coward? Really? I didn’t do anything to you to deserve what I got. You didn’t apologize either that just makes you a total bitch.

Iris: So now you calling me out my name?!  So what you got hit! Take it like a man and get over it!! I did it before and I’ll do it again for you calling me out my name, you’re not going to do anything punk!  *stands up*

Diggy: You’re right I’m not because I’m not a women beater. I show respect no matter what just happened or what I’m going through. But you’re not a girl your some type of Gorilla who needs to be put back in the jungle. But I’m not going to hit you, because you’re nothing but a ghetto ass girl trying to act like she hard. Truth is you’re weak as hell and I can tell. So you need to shut your mouth and sit.

Iris: You know what Diggy fuck you *tears come down and she leaves the place*

Diggy: *gets angrier and leaves also leaving Elana behind*

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