Chapter 53: Miami

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Russell P.O.V.

I go to check on Diggy. He was sitting by his window just staring out. I felt bad but at the same time it was his fault.

Russell: Hey Daniel

Diggy: Hi

Russell: You okay?

Diggy: No

Russell: Well you have to move on you know.

Diggy: I know but Elana is leaving in a few days. I’m going to miss her so much.

Russell: Well I hate to say this but you and Iris brought her to this. By the way I liked Iris first. You’re a woman stealer. You may think she’s not hurt by what you did but she is; really bad. If I were you I would just try to make the best of it because whether you like it or not she is still leaving and you can’t do anything. Unless it turns out Iris isn’t pregnant.

Diggy: I know I guess I should start planning our date.

Russell: Yeah you should.

Tristen P.O.V.

So my mom and dad think it’s a good idea. They found out about the whole pregnancy thing and they thought I most definitely should go to Miami. They’re skeptical about Twist. They think if Iris got pregnant then I’m next. Whatever to that. I was packing up my room when Twist called.

Twist: I can’t believe you’re leaving me

Tristen: Yeah I am but you’re still my boyfriend and you better come visit me. Other wise I’m going to be upset with you.

Twist: Oh most definitely. I hope you and Elana are making a good decision by doing this.

Tristen: Wow you sounded like a dad. Speaking of dads have you heard from the Digster?

Twist: The what? Oh Diggy. Yeah I spoke to him before calling you. He’s being miserable in his own body. Meanwhile Elana is excited to the thought of Miami. She is packing right this moment actually.

Tristen: Hey that’s the spirit. You can’t go out to Miami being all sad. Miami is exciting.

Twist: *laughs* so have you to talk to Iris?

Tristen: No because I wouldn’t know what to say. To be honest I’m a little mad at her but not really.

Twist: Why?

Tristen: Because she made Diggy tell Elana a few days from after Elana almost died. Do you know how much weight that is? But what can I say? I think I rather have waited to push the baby out before I tell her. Or get a paternity test and then tell her. But that’s just me. Elana is a strong girl to go through all of this baby mama stuff. On top of I almost died and I got abused by a want to be pimp. Plus I was almost homeless and my mother tried to kill me then killed her self.

Twist: I don’t even know. Diggy don’t want to talk to Iris. With that baby on the way and him not communicating with her she could put him on child support.

Tristen: For what?

Twist: Not helping her with baby. Man the tabloids is about to eat him up and swallow him whole.

Tristen: Don’t say that I hope for the best with the both of them.

Twist: So when are we going to visit?

Tristen: Who are we?

Twist: We as in Khalil, me, and Diggy.

Tristen: Well you and Khalil is always welcome but as far as Diggy…..

Twist: What? Elana

Tristen: Well yes and Iris….

Twist: Are you saying that Iris won’t let him go?

Tristen: I think that Diggy and Iris will wind up together.

Twist: WHAT?! Is that even possible?

Tristen: Yes a big possibility.

Twist: Man this is weird. I have to go Khalil is on the other line. Love you.

Tristen: Love you too.

We hang up and I continue packing. What kind of stuff is this? It’s very depressing to know that this is going on with you’re friends but once Elana and I leave our slate is clean and we’re in a new environment. I still can’t help to wonder what Iris is going to do once we’re gone.

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