Chapter 27: When it's gone

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I wake up feeling a little better. It was 7 am and school was starting in 30 minutes. I knew I wasn’t going to make it on time but I got dressed anyway. I wore this: I figured why not.  I needed to feel like I was pretty again. I ate in a little restaurant in the hotel and called Justine. She was on her way to pick me up. I stood outside the hotel and waited. 10 minutes later a black Mercedes comes pulling up. Justine rolls down her window and tells me to get in. U got in the car and she took me there. I knew that I missed first period and second period was about to begin. That was Diggy’s period.

~At school~

Mr. Cornell: Ok class, please look at the board. Your write your warm up in your spiral notebook and *interrupted by opening of door*

Elana comes into the classroom and goes straight to the teacher.

Mr. Cornell: Hello Elana, welcome back. *smiles*

Elana: Hello *hands late pass*

Mr. Cornell: Why thank you *takes slip and puts it on desk* Uh wow we have a pretty full class today. Where should I put you? *starts looking around*

Diggy’s P.O.V.

When Elana came in, it felt like all the sun’s sunlight was on her. She was glowing and she looks so beautiful. She always caught my eye, no matter what she wore or did. I couldn’t help but stare at her. But that’s when I had got a feeling she was still sad. I knew I hurt her but I didn’t mean for it to be this way. Iris is mad at me but she doesn’t know how I feel on the inside.  This morning when I woke up I went to her room. Everything smelled like her and even the aroma when you walk in. I thought breaking up with her was going to save heart break from later but now that she’s not mine and any guy can claim her, I think I’m my heart should not only break but shatter into millions of tiny little pieces. I think I’m regretting my decision.

Mr. Cornell: How about you sit in front of Daniel

Elana: *Looks down and goes to seat*

Elana P.O.V.

Why me? Why me? I love him so much. But he doesn’t love me.  I looked to my side.  Iris looked at me and smiled. I smiled back her. It felt good to be smiling again. But it faded when Daniel got up from his seat to turn in his homework to the teacher. He walked by me and I got goose bumps. His scent lingered and I loved the smell. Has he walked back down the aisle I looked up from my notebook and took a glance at his face. He was so handsome and I wanted to jump up and kiss him. That’s never going to happen.

Diggy’s P.O.V.

I felt her looking at me when I passed by I wished she didn’t do that. I stared at every detail of her. Every time I would get close to my paper to write, I could smell her blueberry and strawberry scented shampoo from her hair.  It also reminded me of what I used to her while we watched TV. I would move closer to her and place my lips gentle on her neck. She would always get goose bumps from that. I really need to stop thinking about her.


I walked to the lunch table and sat down. It was so weird. The girls sat on one side and the guys on the other. Twist and Khalil looked at me curious about what I was going to do. While Iris shot me a mean look. I stared into her eyes and she got the message.

Iris P.O.V.

At first I thought Diggy was being a jerk but then when Him and I made eye contact, I didn’t feel upset anymore. I felt kind of bad for him. He looked kind of lost. I was going to say to Elana but she too busy laughing at text. All of a sudden a boy comes over and covers Elana’s eyes.

Boy: Guess who?

Elana: a nerdy kid

Boy: No

Elana: I’m just kidding. I know exactly who this is. Jionni!!!

Jionni: Yep *stops covering eyes and smiles*

Elana: *faces him* so what’s up?

Jionni: Well I got your text so you want to go walk?

Elana:  Sure! *smiles and grabs stuff then leaves*

Everyone faced Diggy. He couldn’t even look us in the eye. He stared into his food. Khalil started up a conversation and all eyes were off him but I continued to look at him. When I least expected it, a tear rolled down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away. I always looked at it from Elana’s point of view but not Diggy’s. I feel horrible now.

Diggy’s P.O.V.

Have you ever got that feeling where you don’t miss something until it’s gone? Well I’m experiencing that now. I also feel what I had a fear of feeling the most; heart broken. Now that I let her go, there’s no way I can get her back. I just hope Jionni can hold onto her longer than I could.

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