Chapter 26: Comparison

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~~~Lunch time~~~

Khalil: You still haven’t told us about Elana. Where she at bro?

Diggy: Alright you guys really want to know?

Everyone: YES!!

Diggy: Ok well I broke with her.

Iris: *looks at her lunch and stays silent*

Khalil: What’s wrong with you Iris?

Iris: I’m just….

Khalil: You just what?

Iris: I’m just scared for her now. When she was at my house, she was crying her eyes out because Diggy didn’t say I love you back. She was scared that he was going to break up with her.  Now I find out he really did break up with her.  Why you do it Diggy?

Everyone else: Yeah why did you do it?

Diggy: Because I was scared she was going to turn out to be another Nicole. Cheating around on me, trying to holler at my friends, and being a user.  I couldn’t take any chances. So I broke up with her. I still love her but not the same way anymore. I think breaking up with her the best choice I could have ever made because if not she probably would have an affair with this guy named Jionni who she just met yesterday.

Iris: *gets angry* you’re wrong you know that!!! She loves you if you can’t see that you’re a fool. I have no idea who this Nicole chick is but stop comparing Elana to her. That goes for you too Khalil. Every girl is different. If Elana wanted to cheat on you she would have cheated on you when she had the chance. She wouldn’t have come back to you when sent her a text message saying you felt uncomfortable. I’m sorry Diggy but you’re being a jerk. *bell rings*


I go home after a long day at school. Iris changed my whole thoughts around. I was thinking a lot while I drove home. I open the front door of my house. No one was home except for my mom. Here we go with the whole situation. I look around and then try to make a dash up the stairs but my mom came out the kitchen and called my name. I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen.

Justine: How was school?

Diggy: Fine

Justine: We need to talk about the whole*interrupted*

Diggy: Mom I don’t really want to talk about this. All day long everyone has been talking about it. Russy told me what happen to her. No one can make me date someone if I don’t want to date them.

Justine: Ok fine. She’s at a hotel so you won’t be seeing her tonight.

Diggy: Ok *goes upstairs and lays on bed*

Truth is I actually wouldn’t mind her being here. I know she would get over me soon. She’ll probably hate me for a little while but I can’t blame her. As I lay on my bed I remember all the good memories we had. Like the time she ran off and I went searching for her in cold dark night. When she was in the car she expressed for the 1st time that she like me. And the time she baked those delicious cookies with my mom. But the best memory of all was our first date. She was so beautiful in her red dress. I remember how her hair smelled after she took a shower and how pretty she was when she first woke up in the morning. How sweetly she said my name and soft she was when she laid in my bed. Then the bad memories came to my mind.  I shed a tear from my eye. I turned over and slowly fell asleep.

Elana P.O.V.

~late night~

I lay in the covers of my hotel bed. I miss Diggy. He hurt me so badly. I love him so much. He was my superman. I didn’t have to do much because he came to my rescue. But where is my superman when I need him to rescue me the most? I remember as if it was like yesterday. I was lying in his bed and watching movies together until either one fell asleep.  He was so warm and gentle. I was protected and secure.  I loved when his soft lips brushed against my neck. His voice was very soothing.  He made the bed really warm when it was cold outside at night.  Just the thought about made my bed feel warm but in reality my bed was cold; freezing cold.

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