Chapter 17: More than this

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Tristen P.O.V.

My parents have been arguing for 3 days now and it’s hard for me because I love them both so much. They argue all night and avoid each other all day. I hate to see them this way and the way how they’re acting are affecting me. I wish I went to Elana’s but knowing that Iris was going to be there was going to be a challenge. Diggy still doesn’t like her and I don’t want another argument to occur. Another thing is that I’m going to be left out, considering I have no boyfriend. This whole week for me is complicated and I had been crying myself to sleep at night. Twist is very supportive of me; He let me stay at his house while my parents argue at night. I’m glad I have a good friend like him.

Twist P.O.V.

I love Tristen more than a friend but she doesn’t want to me more than friends. Hopefully one day she’ll feel the same why I do but now I’m just going to help through her problems. I pulled into her driveway and she got in. The car ride was quiet. When we got to my house I grabbed her night bag and took it upstairs. She changed into her pajamas and lay in my bed. I lay next to her and stroked her hair to let her know everything was okay. Finally, after 2 minutes of stroking her hair, she finally spoke

Tristen: Twist

Twist: yes

Tristen: I know you like me more than a friend

Twist: umm…

Tristen: its ok, I’m fine with that. I know you’re probably wondering why I play so hard to get when it comes to that but truth is, I’m scared.

Twist: Of what?

Tristen: Of being hurt. My last boyfriend Ricardo hurt me badly.

Twist: What did he do?

Tristen: He cheated on me with 3 different girls. I was in love with him; turns out the other girls were also in love with him. They were unaware just like I was. How I found out was that he told me he was going to Spain for a month to see his grandma. 2 weeks after he left I decide to go visit him and when I do, I find him kissing a girl at a restaurant somewhere in Barcelona. It went downhill from there. *starts crying*

Twist: *pulls her close to him* I would never do that to you. I love you too much as is, Only way I would hurt you is by making you laugh so hard your side hurts. 

Tristen: *smiles* you always know what to say to make me feel better

Twist: you’re my friend isn’t that what friends are for?

Tristen: Boyfriends too.

Twist: *blushes* yeah.

Tristen: *faces him* I love you

Twist: I love you too.

Tristen: *buries head into his chest* goodnight boyfriend.

Twist: *GIANT SMILE ON FACE* good night.

Tristen P.O.V.

Yeah, I know he is smiling when I said that. I felt like he deserved that for making me feel better. I’m kind of starting to consider him as a boyfriend now. But he doesn’t know that …..yet.

Twist P.O.V.

I’m one step closer into her heart. I love her.

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