Chapter 47: Reveal to the World

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Tristen P.O.V.

I sat in the living room by myself while my parents were gone. I decided to call Elana for some advice especially since her and Diggy had been through the most out of all of us.

Tristen: Hey Elana

Elana: Hey Trist

Tristen: I called because I needed advice.

Elana: Sure what’s up?

Tristen: Well Twist hasn’t told his fans that he and I are together. I find this a big deal because what if one the fans make a move on him; I wouldn’t be able to blame them for it because they didn’t know.

Elana: Well it’s important that they know. I mean Diggy told his jetsetters about me. I think….

Tristen: You’re unsure? Twist told me he was going to say something today.

Elana: Really? He hasn’t tweeted about you yet. I just see stuff about his album. Hold on I’m going to Diggy’s room.

Elana P.O.V.

I walk to Diggy’s room and opened the door. There he was sitting in his chair on the computer.

Diggy: Hey

Elana: Hey…Uh have you ever told jetsetters about me?

Diggy: No. But I could tell them now. *starts typing and then post* see?

Elana: *looks and smiles* thank you. You went to lunch with Twist right?

Diggy: Yeah. Why?

Elana: Did Twist tell you if he was going to tell his fans about Tristen?

Diggy: *leans back in chair*well he talked to us about it. Khalil and I said no he shouldn’t. Who knows what the fans would do?

Elana: Diggy it doesn’t matter what the fans do. Long as they know; they could hate us all they want. You and Khalil gave him some bad advice my friend.  Twist needs to tell his fans before something goes bad in they’re relationship.

Diggy: Oprah when will you learn to get out of other people’s relationship and deal with your own?

Elana: Excuse Me?

Diggy: I didn’t stutter Mrs. Phil.

Elana: You’re a jerk!!! *turns away*

Diggy: Wait!!! Can you bring me water?

Elana: Bring it yourself pig!!!

Diggy: One more thing

Elana: What?!

Diggy: I love you. *smiles*

Elana: I love me too. *walks out of room*

I got to my room and get back to Iris.

Elana: Sorry girl Diggy was tripping. Anyway Twist is not telling his fans.

Tristen: What? He told me he would.

Elana: Well Khalil and Diggy gave him their opinion so he thought otherwise.

Tristen: It shouldn’t matter what they said he told me he would. He didn’t say I’ll think about it. He TOLD me he would. Gosh I don’t like liars, man. If he had a problem with telling them why couldn’t he say that? Not hit it up with the boys. *gets angrier* I’m not about to be in a relationship with someone who can’t communicate with me. I’m not going trough this anymore.

Elana: So what are you going to do?

Tristen: I’m about to talk to him. I’ll call you later okay?

Elana: Okay then. If I don’t answer it was because Diggy hid my phone when I don’t pay him any attention. Just text me or send me a message to call you and I will.

Tristen: Ok then Bye

Elana: Bye.

Tristen P.O.V.

Twist messed with the wrong girl.

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