Chapter 50: It Falls Down

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Elana P.O.V.

Iris is pregnant? Wow who would have known? I can’t be mad at her because I wasn’t with Diggy. But Khalil can be mad because she basically cheated on him with his friend. I have to accept that Iris is now carrying Diggy’s child. I was kind of hoping I would have Diggy’s first child. I’m not going to say any thing to Justine or Shannon about it. We get home and take my stuff upstairs. I needed to talk to someone. I didn’t know what to do. So I call Tristen.

Elana: Tristen I need to talk to you

Tristen: I’m listening

Elana: Iris is pregnant by Diggy but it was when Diggy and I weren’t together.

Tristen: Whoa whoa whoa , Iris is prego?

Elana: Yep

Tristen: You’re not mad one bit?

Elana: No I’m just a little sad that it wasn’t me who had his first kid.

Tristen: Aw Sorry that happened. I wonder what Khalil is going to do.

Elana: Probably break up with her and he’ll most likely be mad at Diggy.

Tristen: True. So what now?

Elana: Diggy said he was going to make her take another.

Tristen: This is too crazy. Isn’t your 2 month anniversary coming up?

Elana: Yeah and I think we’re not going to celebrate. Well I know I don’t want to. 

Tristen: Why?

Elana: Because if she is really is pregnant then there is more important stuff to do other then being with me. Like doctor’s appointments and planning. I think our relationship would be over after the baby is born.

Tristen: Yeah me too because they have to come together and take care of the baby while you are in the back. You and Diggy aren’t married so you wouldn’t necessarily be step mom. I think that you guys should call off the relationship.

Elana: I was thinking that too. We been through to much to end it but there really isn’t a choice.  I  just don’t want to be here on the day of our anniversary. Hey what if you and I take a trip to Miami?

Tristen: OOOH that sounds fun. We can stay in the sun with no worries ;But what about afterwards? We would have to come back to this Jersey mess. I was thinking maybe we could actually stay out there.

Elana: What do you mean?

Tristen: We could live out there together. My parents always wants to stay in New Jersey but they have a vacation house back in Miami. We could stay there and live life on our own terms. My aunt would stay with us but she isn’t really home that much so we’re good.

Elana: Yeah that sounds actually nice. I could start over and forget any of this ever happen.  We could always come visit everyone back in Jersey for Christmas and Thanks giving.

Justine: Elana dinner is ready.

Elana: I have to go but I think I’m willing to do it. *smiles*

Tristen: I’ll talk to my parents about it.


Everyone is eating. So I decided to say something about it especially since it was quiet. Diggy wasn’t even sitting next to me. He was in his own world.

Elana: Um I have something to say

Everyone looks up from their plates.

Justine: What is it?

Elana: Well I might be moving out.

Justine: What? Why?

Elana: Well Diggy could tell you what happened. No we didn’t fight or anything like that. It’s just best for me.

Justine: Diggy what happened?

Diggy: Elana don’t leave.

Justine: Diggy?

Elana: I can’t be here for when that happens.

Diggy: I don’t know yet please just don’t leave.

Justine: What is going on?

Elana: I’m not going to deal with it. We’ve been tearing apart since we were together. Then this happens. Once this is over there is no going back to the way it was. That’s it. You can’t focus on us, you need to focus on that.

Diggy: I know but I don’t want to loose you.

Justine: Daniel Dwayne Simmons!! I demand to know what’s going on.

Diggy: ……Um

Justine and everyone else: *stares*

Diggy: Iris is pregnant and I could be the father.

Justine: WHAAAT!!!!!! *gets out of her seat* I’m going to Shannon’s house right now. *rushes out the room and puts on coat shoes and grabs keys then leaves house*

Elana: See this is why I need to leave. *goes upstairs*

Diggy’s P.O.V.

Well my mom is going to kill me. Shannon is going to kill Iris and me. Elana is moving out. My dad is ashamed of me. I’m about to loose a friend. I’m also going to lose a girl friend.  I’m possibly a father. I going to have a kid. My girl friend’s friend is now my baby mama and I am bad influence to my little brother. My life is now ruined and it sucks.

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