Chapter 19: The Using Game

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Elana P.O.V.

Once Iris left, I went upstairs to my room to change. Justine told me to wear something cute and classy. I went into my closet and looked around. I had no idea at first but after a few minutes of brainstorming I came up with this outfit:   I changed and did my hair. I walked downstairs into the kitchen. Khalil and Diggy were eating their breakfast.

Diggy: You look pretty

Elana: Thank you

Khalil: Yeah you do

Diggy: Too bad Iris had to go home early. We could have gone on a double date or something.

Elana: I know right its all good though. I’m looking forward to meeting all mom…I mean Justine’s friends.

Justine: *walks into the kitchen* Elana let’s go

Elana: Bye guys *walks out of kitchen with Justine*

Khalil P.O.V.

Wait what; Mom? I thought Diggy met her in California.  Where are her parents? If I wasn’t mistaken she told Iris that she was having a sleepover at her house; not Diggy’s.  I know I’m missing something here and I’m most definitely about to find out the actual TRUTH.

Khalil: YO Dig tell me the actual truth. How did you meet Elana?

Diggy: *long pause*

Diggy’s P.O.V.

Where is this coming from? I knew eventually I was going to have to tell the truth but I don’t know how they will take this.

Diggy: well….I actually met her at a McDonalds.  She had become homeless because her mother died. I took her in and over time I began to like her.

Khalil: WOW.  I know you like her and all. But how do you know she's not using you?

Diggy: Elana? No man, she would never do that.

Khalil: Think about it. You’re a celebrity, you’re family has money, and you know a lot of other celebrities.

Diggy: But Elana is not that type of person.

Khalil: I hate to say this man but she is kind of like Nicole.

Diggy: How?

Khalil: Well Nicole started just like this. She was all sweet and innocent; always being nice. Then she started to change after you started buying her Gucci, Louie, Fendi and Prada.  She started acting different over time and it turns out she was using you.  I’m not saying Elana is that kind of person. But you know; anything is possible.

Diggy: I guess man. I haven’t really thought about it like that. What about you and Iris?

Khalil: She acts like she doesn’t want to be with me; only when Elana is too busy with you. I want a full time relationship, not any part time relationship.

Diggy: So what you going to do about it?

Khalil: Well I mean at first I was feeling her but it went away after we got together. It was like she didn’t want to be with me. To be honest man, I think she has a thing for you now. Her vibe around me is different from around you. She acts like she cares more about you than me.

Diggy: You two never went on a date?

Khalil: No, not yet. I been thinking lately if I find out that she has a thing for you; I’m going to break up with her. It would be obvious that she doesn’t need me. It’s like the whole time we have been together; it wasn’t the Khalil and Iris love story. It was all about you, The Diggy Simmons love story.

Diggy: YO man, I’m sorry if you feel that way about it. I hope it’s not true.

Khalil: Yeah me too.

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