Chapter 11: Mr. Brown

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~~~World Geo~~~

Mr. Brown: I see Lil Fist is back

Twist: It’s Lil Twist

Mr. Brown: Whatever, you know what I mean. If you thinking you are going to sit over there next your buddies you’re wrong. Go sit over there by Christa.

Twist: *goes and sit in front of Christa*

Mr. Brown gets a call from the office to go get his stack of papers that he wanted copied.

Mr. Brown: I’ll be right back. I don’t want to here a sound. *leaves classroom and classroom door closes behind him*

Everyone was quiet until this one boy name Cory got up from his seat.

Cory: Man I’m tired of this lame teacher and his mouth. *goes to classroom door and locks it with Mr. Brown keys* now we don’t have to worry about him.

Iris: *mumbles to Elana* I already know we about to get in trouble

Elana: Sure is

Khalil: YO twist come sit over here with the homies

Twist: *gets up and move*

By then everyone was switching seats. All the guys were on one side of the room and all the girls were on one side of the room. That’s when we all decided to have one big class conversation.

Cory: So where all my single ladies at?

Girls: *Half of the girls raise their hands*

Cory: Oh that’s what up. How many of ya’ll got crushes?

Girls: *raises hands again*

Cory: Cool, cool. Alright since we know who single and got a crush we going to go down the line and ask everybody who they like. Don’t be shy or scared because we getting to know each other more.

Girls: Okay

Cory: Alright Girls go first. Tia you start

Tia: Okay I kind of like…you

Girls: AWW!!

Cory: *smiles*

Brianna: I like Daniel

Meagan: Wait what? I like Daniel

Brianna: I like Daniel before you

Meagan: How you know? I like been liking him since I first laid eyes on him

Brianna: Well I saw him first

Meagan: Well I lost my virginity to him and I’m pregnant

Brianna: What!?

Elana: Oh hell NO!!!! Daniel?!

Iris: Forget this! I’m about to start swinging!! *gets up* ya’ll better get out of my way because I’m about to beat the lyrics to Copy, Paste out of him!!

Cory: Hold up Hold up, you pregnant?

Meagan: Yeah

Iris: *runs over to Diggy and starts hitting on him* what the hell wrong with you?

Diggy: I didn’t get her pregnant get off of me

Iris: You lying!!! *starts trying to hit him in the face*

Diggy: Move GIRL!! *blocking his face* Elana why you just sitting there letting her hit me?

Elana: You lucky I’m not over there, your Jetsetters won’t be jet setting anymore after they see what I do to you.  You’re going to be looking like Shrek daddy.

Twist: Khalil get your girl, get your girl man, get your girl

Khalil: Why so she can start attacking me?! Plus he got another girl pregnant man he deserve what’s coming to him.

Tristen: Uh excuse me girl who’s pregnant, are you really pregnant?

Meagan: Yeah but in my dreams

Tristen: *laughs* look what you started!

Twist: *looks at Tristen* we need to get us started

Tristen: Boy please

Diggy: I didn’t get her pregnant!!! I don’t really know her! Damn! I wish I did get her pregnant now you’re crazy self won’t stop hitting me

Elana: Ok Iris stop he had enough of a beating…. by you. Its my turn!! *gets up goes to Daniel* When you get her pregnant? Last month? 2 weeks ago? Last weekend? You need to tell the truth.

Diggy: I didn’t get her pregnant. Why would I do that to you, I love you.

Elana: *stares him in the eye* how do I know you’re not lying?

Tristen: He’s not lying Elana. She not pregnant well only in her dreams.

Elana: *Hugs Diggy*

Mr. Brown: *Pounds on door* OPEN UP THIS DOOR!!! NOW!!!

On My Own A Diggy Simmons Love Story Book 2Where stories live. Discover now