Chapter 14: The Aftermath

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Diggy P.O.V.

I bust down the door and to my surprise it was Iris. Some dude had his hands around her neck. I grabbed the pitchfork by the fireplace and started swinging at him. He let Iris go who was now in a corner crying and watching everything go down. The guy try to fight back but I kept swinging. The guy got caught off guard and by Iris knocking over some books so I took one last swing. I hit him in the head knocking him out. He lay unconscious on the floor. Iris called 911 and said what happened they were on their way. Iris and I made contact and I turned away from her.

Iris: Thanks for rescuing me

Diggy: Whatever, if I would’ve known that was you hollering I would’ve let whatever was going to happen to you; happen.

Iris: I say thank you and this is what you say?

Diggy: You remember what you said right?! I’ll gladly repeat it for you. You said “Diggy fuck you” that’s exactly what you said. So I shouldn’t care about you. I don’t know you like that and I really don’t care to know you! You’re just a friend of Elana. You and I lost our friendship a few ours ago. If I wanted to I could get the whole school to hate you but you know what I won’t because I’m not that type of person.

Iris: Diggy….

Diggy: Don’t Diggy me!! I thought me and you were going to be good friends because Elana was hanging with you. You seemed like a cool chick but now I regret ever thinking that. You attacked me, couldn’t even say sorry and said some very rude words. Your mom must be proud.

Iris: My mom left with her boyfriend and made me stay here with my aunt *tears up again*

Diggy: *says rudely* I wonder why! I hope Khalil and Elana do the same. You deserve every bad thing that happens to you.  If he becomes conscious again don’t come hollering for me because I’m a coward remember?! *leaves*

Iris: *yells* Diggy!

Diggy: *Ignores and keeps walking*

Iris: *whispers* I’m sorry *starts crying*

Elana P.O.V.

Justine and I came back from the grocery store and the pizza shop. We started unloading the car when Diggy walked into the gate. He looked angry still.

Justine: Diggy, help us with the groceries

Diggy: *goes to car and picks up bags*

Justine: *goes inside*

Elana: Where’d you go?

Diggy: *ignores and goes in house with bags*

The fact that he ignored me told me something was up with him. I took the rest of the groceries in the house and ate my dinner. After Daniel ate, he went straight to bed. I knew he was probably tired by then so I went to bed also.

Iris P.O.V.

The police had come and took the guy away. My aunt was notified and was on her way home. I realized I was wrong and felt truly bad about it. Diggy never wanted to speak to me again. Tears ran down my eyes as I climbed the stairs to my room. I was so sleepy that I collapsed on my bed and fell directly asleep.

Aunt Shannon P.O.V.

I came home to a messed up living room and my pitchfork for my fireplace in the hallway. I’m glad Iris is safe. I know who done this, my ex-boyfriend Ray. He wanted to get back with me but I refused. Iris doesn’t know about him because we broke up before she came. I’m glad he is gone and out of my life. I went upstairs and changed into my silk pajamas. I checked on Iris; she was asleep. I quietly turned off her lamp and closed the door. I went to my room and set the alarm clock to 5:00 am and went to bed.

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