Chapter 46: Fans Love Me

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Elana P.O.V.

It was 5 am when I woke up. Diggy was turned over in his sleep. I wasn’t really sleepy because I was sleeping all yesterday. I got up from Diggy’s bed and went to my room. I put on my tennis shoes and grabbed my keys. I wanted to walk. Yeah I know it’s a risk but I can’t bear just laying in the bed.  I almost left the house but then I realized I needed my IPod. The last place I had it was Diggy’s room so I quietly went back to his room. I opened the door and he was getting up from his bed.

Diggy: *sleepily* Why are you up?

Elana: I couldn’t sleep so I wanted to take a walk.

Diggy: *yawns* No Lana

Elana: What’s wrong? You only call me Lana when you’re about to be upset.

Diggy: I don’t want it to happen again *looks down*

Elana: It won’t. I’m just going to walk on one side of the street and watch where I’m going.

Diggy: Nope. I’m going with you. *puts on shoes and grabs jacket and phone*

Elana: You seem tired though.

Diggy: I’ll be okay.

Diggy and I leave the house. It was kind of chilly outside but I didn’t mind. Diggy looked so tired. I never saw him that way before. We were silent as we walked down the neighborhood sidewalk. Diggy was holding my hand and wouldn’t let me go near the edge of the sidewalk. It was pretty sweet but at the same time I didn’t want him to over protective of me.

Elana: Diggy?

Diggy: yes *tiredly*

Elana: Why did you go with me on this walk?

Diggy: Because I want you to be safe. Rather you like it or not. I lost you before girl I’m not losing you anymore.

Elana: *laughs* you’re not going to lose me anymore I promise. Let’s turn around. You look so tired. I promise I won’t leave this time. You can even put your arm over me. I won’t move. *smiles*

Diggy: *smiles* Good because I’m tired. It’s too early to walk. *turns around and heads toward the house*

Tristen P.O.V.

I woke up to the noise of a phone. It was Twist. He was beside me texting. Why is he texting somebody at 5 in the morning?

Tristen: Twist who are you texting?

Twist: I’m not texting. I’m on twitter tweeting my fans.

Tristen: Do they know about us?

Twist: No…

Tristen: Tell them. It’s good they know.

Twist: Ok then I will.

Twist P.O.V.

I know Tristen wants me to tell my fans but they might be disappointed that I have a new girlfriend. I don’t know I have to talk to the guys about this one.

~~~Later that day at a restaurant~~

Twist: So what do you think about me telling the fans about Tristen

Diggy: I’m not telling Jetsetters anything unless I really have to on this one. I don’t want them hunting her down or wanting to be her up. But then again my Jetsetters aren’t crazy like that. They’re only crazy about me. *smiles*

Khalil: I didn’t say anything either. Who knows what the fans would do.

Twist: So you mean you never said a word about Elana or Iris?

Diggy: Never. To be honest I didn’t think the relationship will last as long as it did. Now that I’m starting to develop more feelings for her I kind of want to tell them but only when they ask me. If I say it at the wrong time, they’ll get upset or sad.

Khalil: I feel you bro.

Twist: I’m not going to tell them then.

Diggy and Khalil: Ok. *continue eating*

Twist what did Diggy and Khalil get you into?

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