Chapter 23: Elana meets Jionni

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~at school, lunch time~

Elana P.O.V.

I sat down at the table with Tristen and Iris. Diggy, Khalil and Twist were still in the lunch line getting their food. I was so hyped that Tristen and Twist got together.

Elana: So Tristen, you and Twist? *smiles*

Tristen: *smiles back* I love him

Iris and Elana: AWW!!! You guys are a cute couple

Tristen: Think so?

Iris: Know so

Guys come to table being loud and crazy.

Khalil: I’m bored

Twist: That’s because you a boring person

Diggy: *laughs*

Twist: Diggy what you laughing for? You boring too

Diggy: What? I know you not talking with your Lil Wayne want to be self

Twist: Oh really, Richy Simmons??

Diggy: Yeah it’s like that Lil Fake

Elana: You guys stop.

Khalil: You don’t tell us what to do

Elana: I’m not telling you what to do.

Khalil: Oh really because it sure did seem like it.

Elana: You know what shut up. What are you Sherlock Holmes?  Do you think I care about what you think? No so you need to get that out your brain now.

Khalil: You nothing but a user.

Elana: A user? Bitch please!! I never used anyone in my life. Nor will I ever do so.  Listen, I’m not Nicole if that’s what you think about me. I wasn’t raised to hurt other people. Now if you think I only like Daniel for his money, you’re out of pea sized mind. I love Daniel and I would never do that to him. No what fuck it!!! I don’t have to explain myself to anyone. I’m out of here. *gets up and walks away*

I walked out the lunch and to my locker. I turned the combination and threw the books in. I then slam the locker shut. A boy who was cute stood next to me.

Elana: What do you want?

Boy: I’m sorry miss. I saw you seemed a little upset so I thought I come over to ask what’s wrong. But since you seem like you don’t want to be bothered. I should just leave. *starts to walk away*

Elana: Wait what’s your name? *smiles*

Boy: My name is Jionni (Gee-on-nie) what’s yours?

Elana: Mine is Elana. I’m sorry I got an attitude with you. It’s just that my boyfriend’s best friend called me a user. I got really upset about that.

Jionni: Really? You don’t look like one. You’re a beautiful chocolate girl, that any guy will be lucky to wife up someday. *smiles*

Elana: *blushes* AWW thank you

Jionni: Anytime beautiful. So you want to go walking around the school?

Elana: Sure why not. *starts to walk with Jionni*

Diggy’s P.O.V.

What the Hell? I come to comfort Elana and she’s talking to another dude. I don’t like that at all. She said she loved me. I’m not seeing any love right there all I see is a affair waiting to happen. 

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