Chapter 44: Back

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Diggy’s P.O.V.

I hopped on an airplane back to New Jersey quick. I knew I had to see her at least one last time. When the plane landed I grabbed all my luggage and threw it in the trunk of my car. I looked at the un- read text from Iris saying the information for me to get to the hospital. Once I got there. I ran to Elana’s room in tears. I had to see her before she was dead.  I slowly opened the door and there was a draft of cold air. I moved towards her bed and sat next to her.

Diggy: This happened to you. I should’ve stayed or took you with me. If I could I would take everything that ever happened wrong to us back. You are phenomenal girl and girl friend. I’m sorry this happened. I know you’re probably like he’s a sorry loser because of how many times I said that. I rather be a sorry loser than to lose the love of my life. *tears up* you’re something special and I think you should know that. I remember everything we did and all the places we went. Remember when we first met at McDonalds? You were so sweet to me and you still are.

Elana’s heart rate meter: *beeping*

Diggy: I just wish you were able to wake up and speak to me. I really do wish that. *holds hand and starts to look down*

Elana’s heart rate meter: *beeping slower till is goes blank and makes long beeping sound*

Diggy: *starts crying* Elana I love you. Forever and always *kisses lips and then forehead* I must leave now. *leaves and closes door behind looking back at her.

Elana mom’s P.O.V.

Mom: Elana come here.

Elana: Yes?

Mom: It’s time for you to go. *hugs her*  As I watch down upon you make sure you make some correct descisions, When you come back here make sure you have a ring on your finger. That boy loves you so you better love him the same. I realized I can’t keep you forever and that it’s time for you to blossom. I will see you again by the end of you’re life. I don’t care what you’re wedding looks like but no peach or pink. That dress better be white other wise you’re on punish *laughs and kisses forehead*

Elana P.O.V.

Elana’s heart rate meter:  *heart goes back to normal and she wakes up*

Doctor comes in: Woah!!!! You recovered! How do you feel?

Elana: My body doesn’t hurt as much as it did when I first felt it. Why does this room smell Diggy??

Doctor: Your family thinks you’re dead.

Elana: What?

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