Chapter 45: Coming Home

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Daniel P.O.V.

I drove home and went directly to bed. A lady came and into a my dreams. She looked a little bit like Elana. Maube it was her mom.

Lady: Take care of my daughter. If you truly love her marry her. Don’t break her heart because she loves you.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I changed into my pajamas and laid back into my bed. She died in front of my eyes. I grasped the tank top she gave me and turned over. I had no idea what that lady was talking about. She was talking to me as if Elana was alive and coming home. That was impossible.

Elana P.O.V.

I got on the city bus. It was a long ride but I was happy. The bus stopped not to far from the community. I started to walk to walk the rest of the way. It was amazingly dark outside. Any girl would be scared out of their mind walking home but I wasn’t. When I reached home, I was a little tired.  I pulled out my key and unlocked the door.

Elana: Hello anyone home??

Justine comes downstairs.

Justine: *screams and starts crying* you’re alive!!!!! *runs and hugs her*

Everyone comes down stairs except for Diggy.  They were so shocked I was still alive. I stayed with them for 30 more minutes. But I really wanted to be with Diggy.  Everyone said goodnight and went upstairs. I went in my room and changed into some simple pajamas. I slowly opened Diggy’s door and He was lying on his side. I slowly got in bed beside him and hugged his waist.

Diggy’s P.O.V.

I felt someone’s hand around my waist.  I slowly turned and it was Elana. I was jumped out of the bed.

Diggy: You were dead!!

Elana: Correct I was but now I’m better. I came back alive after you left the doctor’s say. My body hurts a tiny bit but I’m okay. *shifts in bed* so what now?

Daniel: *hugs Elana and gives her one big kiss* let’s watch television.

Elana: Okay.

I turned on the TV and lay back in bed with Elana. I nodded off to sleep as she pulled closer to me. Next thing I know I was sound asleep.

Elana P.O.V.

Daniel was really tired. He fell asleep not to long after the show started. It was okay though. I was just happy to be home.

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