Chapter 48: Uncomfortable

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Tristen P.O.V.

I called Twist as soon as I knew he would have been home. I was furious.

Twist: Hello?

Tristen: Really so you couldn’t tell me?

Twist: Wait Tristen what are you talking about?

Tristen: So you couldn’t tell me that you wasn’t ready? Instead you ask your boys for permission. After you told me you would.

Twist: I wasn’t sure

Tristen: You wasn’t sure?! You know what I wasn’t sure about? Getting into this relationship with you!!! I knew I shouldn’t have done this. But you’re different from Ricardo. Well I thought. If you don’t tell them about us then we’re through!!!!

Twist: But I…

Tristen: *hangs up*

Twist P.O.V.

I was trying to tell her I told them already.  I called her back 5 times until she finally answered.

Tristen: What?!!!

Twist: I had told them earlier.

Tristen: Oh. Ok then thanks.

Twist: *shakes head* wow. I got to go lay down and take a nap. You tired me out.

Tristen: Sorry. Call me later?

Twist: Yeah, Yeah *hangs up*

I love to make it seem like I’m mad at her but I’m not. I go to my bed and climbed in. I was so tired that within one minute I was asleep.

Iris P.O.V.


Khalil: Want some hot sauce for you scrimps?

Iris: Scrimps? You mean shrimps. *laughs* and who puts hot sauce on their shrimps?

Khalil: Me. It tastes good and I know how to pronounce it *smiles*

Iris: You are something else *laughs*

Khalil: So……

Iris: So what?

Khalil: Can I ask you something?

Iris: Sure

Khalil: Have you ever thought about seeing someone else?

Iris: No have you?

Khalil: Well a couple of times. You weren’t really treating me like a boyfriend. It was more like a friend. When Elana was off with Diggy and Tristen with Twist you call me. It’s like I’m you’re safety net for when they’re busy. Then there’s Diggy. Do you like Diggy?

Iris: No

Khalil: I ask this because you treat him more than a friend in my opinion.

Iris: No he’s just my friend let it go *smiles*

Khalil: Ok but for now. *continues to eat dinner*

With Khalil asking me all those uncomfortable questions, I didn’t as happy as before. I lied to him. I lied dead to his face. I knew I should have told him the truth but he was going to tell. I didn’t want to her to find out. I like Diggy. No wait I love Diggy. I know it’s wrong but I do.  I never told anyone this. But one night when Elana was with Jionni, I had gotten into a really bad fight with my mom and Khalil so I needed something to calm me down. I had went into my mother’s alcohol cabinet and got drunk. I got a call from Diggy saying he wanted to hang out so I went over. I don’t really remember what happened from there. All I know is that I laid in his bed then before I knew it the next morning he was shirtless. I had snuck out of his house. But as soon as I got home I was throwing up.  I went to my mom’s room and grabbed a pregnancy test. I took the test and it said that I was pregnant. I never mentioned it to Diggy or anyone. I’m scared and I know once Elana finds out she will HATE me; especially since she’s in love with him. How do I tell them that I’m pregnant and that Diggy’s the father?

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