Chapter 43: Hello, Mom

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Elana P.O.V

Mom: Elana, Elana wake up

Elana: Mom?

I was in a place I wasn’t to sure of.  There stood in front of me was my mom.

Mom: It’s good to see you.

Elana: You too.

Mom: So the boy Daniel? He seems like a good kid; you going to marry him?

Elana: Yeah I might. Well I’m dead now so there isn’t a good chance.

Mom: Your up here with me now like I told you, you would. You can’t escape me because you’re apart of me and I’m apart of you. The Justine mom is trying to take over but don’t forget who your real mom is. Just because I’m not alive doesn’t mean I can’t monitor some of the things you. But now that you’re up here I can get a little break.

Elana: Mom I want to be down there. I rather come here later on in life. But it’s too late for that so I guess I’ll get use to it.

Mom: Good. Come with me *grabs Elana’s hand*

Iris P.O.V.

We’re all together in the waiting room. All you here is crying and sobbing. I can’t cry I know that she is going to make it through. I sat in the dark green chair as the doctor came out with the news. We all lifted our heads and paid close attention.

Doctor: I’m sorry to say this but she is dying. I won’t go into many details of how she is going to die or why but she is. Just go say you’re final good byes. We have to leave her body over night but we prefer everyone to say good bye now. Once again I’m sorry. *leaves room*

We all get up and walk to the room to be honest I was actually scared to see her body. She was going to be dead any moment and what could I do; nothing. I was first to go in. When I did it was kind of cold in there and I felt like death was waiting in the back of the room.

Iris: Elana I know you can’t hear me probably but I can’t believe you’re gone. You are a awesome person and still is even when you’re gone. Why are you leaving me? *starts crying and then hugs her* bye Elana *leaves*

I left out the room and Tristen came in. I looked through the small window and Tristen was already crying her eyes out. I knew I had to call Diggy. I went to a more private area and called his number.

Diggy: YOOO!!! What’s up Irish springs? *laughs*

Iris: Diggy I have to tell you something very important. *crying already*

Diggy: What? *gets serious*

Iris: Elana is dead or well she is dying right at this moment. She got hit by a car while running this morning, Doctor’s say she isn’t going to make it. *sobs*

Diggy: What? *voice cracks*

Iris: She is dying right this instant. Your whole family is up here. You need to come back if you want to see her. *starts cry harder*

Diggy: I’ll be up there in 3 hours. *starts to cry*

I walked back to the lobby where everyone was now leaving to home. Justine who was the saddest of all, had a major headache. We piled into our cars and went home. I hope Diggy can make it in time to at least see her once more. They were made for each other and to their love die away is even more tragic. I lay my head on my pillow and texted Diggy the hospital and room number. Diggy was officially about to be in a massive heat wave of pain and heart break.


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