Chapter 10: A New Couple

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*girls come and sit at the table*

Khalil: Oh so you got jokes? *smiles*

Iris: Yep all day everyday

Khalil: I thought you were shy.

Iris: Well, you thought wrong. It was the first day of school.

Khalil: Oh my bad

Iris: Yeah your bad

Everyone else: oooooh

Khalil: So you got a number?

Iris: of course but you’re not getting it

Khalil: Oh so you playing hard to get?

Iris: No I just wanted to see how far you would reach to get me *smiles* let me see your phone.

Khalil: *hands phone*

Iris: *puts number in and hands back*

Everyone: Aw!!

Diggy: Elana I want you to meet Twist my other best friend

Elana: Hey

Twist: Hello

Elana: Everyone meet Tristen

Everyone else: Hi

Tristen: Hi

Twist: *turns up his nose*

Tristen: You got a problem? *getting an attitude*

Twist: Yeah you stuck up.

Tristen: I’m not stuck up. I don’t know where you got that from in the first place but you need to shut up. Especially since this is my first day of school, I’m really not going to take no mess from so Mohawk wearing ghetto rich snob boy. Ok so you can some where with all that.

Twist: I’m sorry I shouldn’t have assumed that in the first place. You forgive me?

Tristen: I don’t know *looks away*

Twist: *gets up and goes to her and hugs her for a long time* I’m really, really sorry.

Tristen: *faces him* Ok fine.

Twist: *leans in and kisses her*

Tristen: *kisses but then pulls away* No, I just met you.

Twist: Sorry got carried away. *goes back to seat*

Elana and Iris: ooh Tristen! *smiling hard*

Diggy: Elana I need to talk to you in the hall.

Elana: Ok

Elana’s p.o.v.

I wonder why Daniel needs to talk to me. We’re cool from yesterday.

Diggy: Elana….

Elana: what’s wrong?

Diggy: This

Elana: what are you *interrupted by a passionate kiss*

Diggy: *pulls away* sorry I’ve been holding that in all day

Elana: It’s Okay.

Diggy: Khalil, Twist, and I have been thinking about hanging out after school today.  *starts walking back to the cafeteria table*

Elana: Okay

Diggy: You think you’ll be okay getting a ride home with Iris?

Elana: Sure

Diggy: Ok

Khalil: YO dig? We’re going to have the girls join us after school too.

Diggy: Oh ok. *turns to Elana* Never mind Babe.

*Bell rings*

Everyone gets up and walk together to P.E. The girls separate from the boys and they get dressed. The P.E. teacher meets them out in the gym.

The P.E. teacher: Ok girls today you will be playing dodge ball with boys.

Girls: aw man!

Teacher: Go spread out behind that line over there.

Girls: *Do as told*

Boys: *comes running out the locker room with big bouncy red balls*

Girls: Oh dang! *scared*

Boys: *aims their balls at girls*

Teachers: Ready set go!!!

The boys threw their balls hard at the girl each one hitting a girl in the arm, head or stomach. Khalil was trying to aim at Iris because she kept calling him a punk. I have to admit Iris and Khalil makes a really good couple. They should go out soon. Without realizing it, Diggy threw a ball that almost hit me in the side. It’s on now.

Elana: You trying to get you girlfriend out?

Diggy: Yeah *laughs*

Elana: *Grabs ball and throws it at him but misses*

Diggy: Oh so you want to play? *grabs ball*

Diggy and I threw balls at each other and missed each time. He makes P.E. so fun. I love playing this game with him because he’s not competitive at all. Just want to have fun. The teacher blew her whistle and it was time to go inside. Diggy and I hugged as the rest started to head in. I walked in to the locker room and saw Iris had a big smile on her face.

Elana: What happened? *smiles*

Iris: Khalil asked me out! *smiles so hard*

Elana: And you said?

Iris: Yes!

Elana: Aw how cute, you guys are a good couple. I’m excited to see how world geo goes now.

Iris: I know right.

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