Chapter 20: Brunch

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Iris P.O. V.

I got out of the car and fixed my outfit: Aunt Shannon and I walked to the waiter in the restaurant. She pointed to a table where some women and it looks like a girl was sitting. We started walking towards them. When we got to the table, everyone said hello to my Aunt Shannon and made glances at me. I didn’t really get their faces because I looked down the whole time.

Michelle: Is she shy?

Shannon: Yeah some what

Justine:  Shannon I haven’t saw you since before you took in your niece. How are you?

Shannon: Well I’m fine, nothings changed since then. Only thing changed was my household. I love her company, something to look forward to when I come home.

The waiter came to our table and asked everyone to order. But I was too busy texting Elana and telling her I was bored.

Waiter: Excuse me miss?

Iris: *texting*

Shannon: *taps on shoulder*

Iris: *looks up* Oh I’m sorry, I will like to have this *points at menu* thank you

Waiter: Ok *leaves*

Justine: *Smiles* what’s you’re name?

Iris: *looks back up from texting* Iris. Oh, Hi Mrs. Simmons.

Justine: Hi Iris! I didn’t know you were Shannon’s niece. I’ve heard so many great stories about you.

Elana: *looks up from texting also* Wait what?

Justine: Elana, Iris is the girl I wanted you to meet.

Elana: *looks across table* Iris!!! *gets up and hugs her* Hi Ms. King *hugs her also*

Shannon: Hello Elana, I didn’t know you were Justine’s ----

Everyone looks at Justine and then Elana.

Michelle: Justine you never told us who she was to you. Is she you’re Daughter from another guy? She definitely isn’t Run’s daughter because I see no resemblance what so ever.

Justine: I took her in as if she was my child and I’ll call her my daughter. Well daughter in law if Daniel decides to marry her. But I’m raising her as if she’s my own.

Michelle: Oh, well nice to meet you Elana

Christa: Yeah, nice to meet you

Shannon: Now that you said that I think it’s time for everyone to know. *starts to hesitate* Iris, stop texting.

Iris: *stops and looks up* what’s wrong?

Shannon: Well, what you all didn’t know is that I have a daughter. I had her when I was 18 and I wasn’t ready for her. I didn’t have the best job in the world and I wasn’t even taking care of myself properly. After I had her, I gave her to my sister.  I didn’t want to give her up for adoption, foster care or anything like that because I was to take care of her again. I told my sister to take care of her and treat her right. Years went by and I watched her grow up. Every holiday I was buying her the most presents and clothes out of anyone. After I had become famous I was ready to take her back because I was able to support her. But it turns out while I was gone, my sister had gotten jealous be cause I had so much money. So she cared less for her and caused so much trouble. *tears come out of eyes* When I found out I called her and we started to argue and I told her to give back my child. She flew out here and I was so excited. Only thing was I never told her. *turns to Iris* I’m sorry for just now telling you this. It’s okay if you hate me now. Excuse me I’m going to the ladies room. *walks to restroom*

Iris: *tears come out eyes*

Elana: It’s going to be okay Iris.

Iris: *smiles* I know they were tears of joy. I happy to know I had a mother who cared for me.

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