Chapter 16: Friends

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Diggy P.O.V.

Elana and Iris came into my room. I didn’t want to be bothered but knowing Elana she was probably on her Dr. Phil mode. Iris looked like she had been crying but I don’t care. I kept throwing my ball in the air.

Elana: I want you two to talk and no one eats dinner until you talk. Now I’m going to help Justine with dinner. *leaves*

Diggy: So what do you want?

Iris: I just want you to be my friend and not hate me

Diggy: *stops throwing the ball* Why should I be your friend? You’re a rude girl.

Iris: And you’re not being rude yourself?

Diggy: You saying I don’t have a right too? *gets angry*

Iris: Look Diggy, I’m sorry. I’m really am and I mean it. I shouldn’t have hit you without at least saying sorry. I shouldn’t have said those mean words at the restaurant either.

Diggy: I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean any of it at all. I’m also sorry I hit you in the head with the basketball even though it was hilarious.

Iris: So we friends?

Diggy: Yep, give me a hug *open arms*

Iris: *gives hug and smiles*

Diggy: I’m about to text Khalil so he can stay over *starts texting*

Iris: Ok then, I’m going to go downstairs

Diggy: No wait, I think you should stay here, I don’t want give Dr. Phil down there the satisfaction.

Iris: ok then

Diggy: Oh, Khalil pulling into the driveway let’s go

Iris and I left my bedroom and went straight to the front door. I could smell the dinner and here the clashing of forks on plates. I knew everyone already started eating. I opened the door and greeted Khalil. He gave me a boy hug and Iris a kiss on the cheek. All three of us headed to the kitchen where everyone was eating and grabbed our plates. I went to the stove and started piling mash potatoes on my plate.

Iris: Dang Diggy, putting all them mash potatoes on that plate. *laughs*

Diggy: *laughs also* this boy hungry

Khalil:  Man save some for me; over there hogging.

Diggy: *goes and grab the rest of the side dishes* my bad

I looked around the room for a place to sit and all the spots were filled except for the one next Iris. So Khalil sat on one side and I sat on the other. Everyone ate their food but I finished first. I looked into Iris plate, which was half full and saw some macaroni left. So I decided to help her out a little.

Diggy: *puts his fork in her macaroni and takes a big bite* 

Iris: Diggy!! Man if you don’t get your hands out of my plate

Diggy: What are you going to do? *smiles*

Iris: I’m going to kick you *smiles back*

Diggy: Yeah right *takes another bite*

Iris: *kicks him*

Diggy: OW girl!!!! *smiles*

Iris: *laughs* my bad

After dinner Elana, Khalil, Iris, and I loaded the dishes in the dish washer. I was happy there was no more drama between Iris and I.

Elana: So proud of you two!

Diggy and Iris: Thanks

Khalil: yeah about time and I can’t be having any fights between my home and my girl.

Elana: We done here?

Diggy: just about

Elana: Good let’s go watch a movie. Sounds cool?

Everyone: Yeah.

Elana: Ok then Iris and I will meet you in your room, we’re going to change into pajamas.

Diggy and Khalil: YAY!

Elana: not those kinds of pajamas

Diggy: *frowns and goes upstairs with Khalil*

Elana P.O.V.

Iris and I went upstairs and changed into this we went into Diggy’s room where Khalil and Diggy were talking. We ran to them and jumped on their laps. Diggy got up and put in the movie. We all laid down in Diggy’s California king bed and cuddled. It felt good to know there was no more drama in my life and it was perfect for me. Feeling safe in Diggy’s arms I fell right to sleep. Iris beside me doing the same thing.

Diggy P.O.V.

Elana and Iris think they could just fall asleep on me and Khalil like that but wait till the morning, We got a surprise for them. ;)

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