Chapter 6: Tell Me About it

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Elana’s P.O.V.

I go straight up to my room and change into this:              I hopped on my bed and called Iris. She picked her phone after two rings. I explained everything to her from how I became homeless, to how diggy and I got together and the fight we just had. After all that there was a long pause. I thought she hung up. I was hoping she wasn’t the type to judge people or make them feel like nothing.

Iris: *sniffles*

Elana: Iris are you crying?

Iris: I’m sorry it’s just that at least your mom was willing to take you with her, my mom is too busy for me and never takes me anywhere with her. I don’t even live with her, I live with my aunt. I am grateful to have an incredible aunt who actually cares *sniffles again*

Elana: what happened?

Iris: My mom left me with my aunt. She said she couldn’t take care of me, her boyfriend and work at the same time. She and her boyfriend left New Jersey and moved to Atlanta. I rarely hear from her and it makes me very upset. But I also have to thank her because she gave me an even better life then I had before. I thought my aunt wasn’t going to care for me at all. But when I got there, I saw butlers and maids, this gigantic house with a beautiful swimming pool.  She was there at the front door with open arms and treated me like I was her own ever since then.

Elana: Wow, I’m sorry that happened to you.

Iris: I’m sorry those things happened to you too and look at the bright side. You live in a mansion, have a boyfriend, and have some nice clothes and people who love you. Wait rewind, what did Diggy do again?

Elana: He lied about how we met. He told Khalil that we met in Los Angeles at a restaurant after seeing his sisters.

Iris: Ok gotcha so how many tires do I slash first? Or how about I come over there go to his room and bust him upside his head. I will do it.

Elana: *laughing* you would actually do that?

Iris: Hell yeah! I’m not playing when you mess with friends you mess with me and if you mess with me I’m going to whoop *interrupted by aunt*

Aunt: Iris go put on some shoes you have to come with me to the grocery store.

Iris: Ok

Aunt: Ok see you downstairs don’t be too long on the phone *closes door*

Iris: I have to go but what neighborhood you live in? maybe we can hang sometime

Elana: I live in Cambridge you?

Iris: Me too!!! What street do you live on?

Elana: Apple Valley drive you?

Iris: This unbelievable I live on the street come outside I want to see if I can see you

Elana: KK

I ran out of my room and I was so excited that I didn’t see Diggy and bumped into him as he was leaving out of his. I kept running and finally made it out the house. I walked out of the private gate and looked around; I didn’t see her. So as I started to get back on the phone with her I heard a loud scream.

Iris: Elana!!!!!

Elana: Whoa!
How incredible is this. My new friend lives down the street from me. I thought Diggy ruined my afternoon but Iris made it better.

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