Loki x Reader (Fireworks)

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It was the 4th of July and Tony for some odd reason was being extremely nice and decided to rent a lake house and a boat for the team to enjoy the 4th. Probably so he could have someone too keep him under control after drinking too much. Maybe that was just your personal oppinion, but it was probably true. It was nearing dark and Natasha had some how convinced you to change into swiming gear with everyone else.  You wore a black bikini with light green strings that tied around you neck and back, but being the self conscious little shit you are you wore a long baggy T-Shirt over it. You stepped outside too the long boat and heard a flirtatious whistle from besides the boat. You peer over too see none other than Tony Stark himself. You smile smugly at him and sit on the boat waiting for the rest of your friends too arrive.

After a while of waiting everyone seemed to chilling on the boat. There was a cooler filled to the brim with sodas, waters, and of course alcohol. You shook your head at the thought of having to carry anyone from the team home, because they couldn't handle their alcohol. Loki sat besides you nervously waiting for the team as the boat rocked slightly due to the waves. Of course he kept a calm look on his face, but you could tell by the way he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He wore black and green swiming shorts that 'coincidently' matched your bathing suit. You considered yourself to be close with him, but sometimes it was considerably hard too read what he was thinking. You looked away from Loki realizing you had been staring at him for a while. You turned around to be blinded by muscles from a shirtless Thor and Steve. A small blush of embarrassment covered your face and you looked away quickly. Tony was stiring the boat. Bruce and clint where sitting down drinking soda's and water with their shirts ON. You smiled and and ran your fingers through your (H/L) (H/C) locks. The sun was down and the stars where nearing the sky.

"Remind me what you midguardians celebrate this day again?" Loki questioned you and shifted uncomfortably again. A small smile broke onto your face. You scooted closer to him as if you where tellimg him a secert. He leaned in curiously.

"Its a day we got our freedom."
You whisper and smile at the undetailed answer. He leaned away and propped his head up on his hand raising an eyebrow at you.

He questioned futher. You shrugged your shoulders and smiled.

"Guess you'll have too look into it."
His eyes rolled slightly and you can't help, but admire the way the moon light twinkles off of his hair and eyes. A small blush came too your face and a warm smile crawled its way onto your lips and you looked away. Little did you know he was doing the same too you.

"Dear brother when will you and Lady (y/n) ever.."
Thor began, but stopped when Loki's eyes cut daggers through him. You raise an eyebrow questionably at the both of them. 

"Have a drink?"
Thor finished going to the cooler and grabbing a soda for the each other you. You smiled and thanked him. The engine roared and Loki and Thor jumped slightly.

"We are going to watch the fireworks over the lake! Prepare for take off."
Tony yelled as he sipped the beer and started the engine. You where squished between Thor and Loki and you uncomfortably shifted more torwards Loki. His eyes shifted torwards your nearing figure. Thoughts appeared in his head. He pulled you into his lap and you looked at him with a redded face.

"You seemed squished."
He voice was smooth and mischievous and a smirk was plastered on his face. You nodded embarrassed and sat back in his lap. You back laid agaisnt his chest. The boat stopped in the middle of lake and the moon light shined off of the water and you could hear bands in the distance.

"Fireworks start in 10. Might as well swim for a bit."
Tony winked and turned off the engine. You looked down at the baggy shirt that touched your knees. Then looked over to the water where Clint, Tony, Thor, and Natasha swam or well floated. Loki grabbed your waist making you stand up with him.

"Are you not going to enjoy the cold water tonight?"
He asks and lets go of your hips and stepped in front of you. You looked up in his piercing green eyes and nodded slowly and pulled off your baggy T-shirt setting it in the spot you where sitting at. You could feel a pair of eye or two on you and you looked up from the seat at Loki who was slightly flushed watching your every move.

"Y/n! I was wondering when you'd join me?"
Tony whistled. You blushed and looked away from Tony and back to Loki. He smiled and patted your head. He couldn't help, but admire your beautiful body. You streched and dove off the back of the boat splashing Tony and Thor.

"Thats the spirit Lady (Y/n!)"
Thor called out smiling. You resurfaced and took a small breath pushing your hair back from being in your face. You shivered as the cold water slide across your skin. Loki sat on the edge of the boat looking down at all of you with a blank expression. Honestly the only thing running through his head where how he could pull so many pranks on the people here that it wasn't funny. Your elbows proped up on the edge of the boat where Loki sat.

"Are you not going to enjoy the cool water tonight?"
You asked/moaked Loki with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Would you like me to join you?"
He voice was smooth like a knife cutting butter. You splashed water onto his legs.

"It would be nice."
You replied and dropped from the side if the boat and came back up brushing your hair back once again. Loki dropped from the edge of the boat into the water and resurfaced.

"I'll show you midguardians how a 'splash war' is won."
Loki said using his arm to splash you. A smirk came onto your lips and you used both hands to form a big wave spalshing him in the face. He cocked and eyebrow and did it back to you. This continued for a while before Burce popped over the side of the boat.

"The fire works are about to start."
He mumbled and scratched the back of his head nervously. You pulled your body onto the boat and grabbed a towel for you and Loki. You threw the towel at him and he caught it and dried his hair off and wrapped it around his waist. You did the same and sat down besided him.

"Do tell me what these Fire Works a-"
He was cut off by the sound of a large exploding sound and he jumped in his seat. You marveled at the sky as the fireworks explode into the night sky. Loki looked at the sky in shock. The beauty stained a memory he could never forget in his mind. He looked down at you and watched as you admire the sky. The moonlight kissed your skin ever so perfectly and the fireworks reflected in your eyes. Loki thought about how perfect you where for a midguardian. You looked up at him with wonder and excitement in your eyes. Your eyes locked with his and a warm smile covered you lips.

"Is this the first time you've seen fireworks Loki?"
You questioned unable to break away from his beautiful eyes.

"Yes. I suppose. Although I've seen better things."
Loki says his eyes break away from your eyes and too yours lips then up at your eyes again. He watches again as your lips form his name.

You whisper his name slightly after realizing that you both where leaning in slowly.

Loki whisperes softly as your faces where inches apart. You closed your eyes and kisses his soft lips. Loki kisses you back and cups your face. The sound of fireworks where drowned out by  your buzzing head. You both where completely sober, but you felt so warm and fuzzy. Your lips parted and Loki's eyes opened and he watched as your eyes opened slowly looking into his eyes. You bit your lip and smiled. A small smirk crawled onto Loki's lips.

"Happy 4th of July Loki."
You say softly into his ear.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now