Grow Up Already (Loki)

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     "All I'm saying, is that I'm not taking care of him," you mumble, actually quite amused at the thought of a baby Loki. Tony rolls his eyes as he clicks the vile inside the 'baby-inator'. You see, currently you sit in the lab with the science bros as they apply their finishing touches to their 'brilliant' come-back to Loki's harmless pranks.
    "No one said you'd have too," Tony says, having his own trick for you. Bruce sighs watching the scene. Out of no where, Tony points the gun at you. Seeing this, it feels as if time slows down as you drop your pencil and go to dodge. Tony pulls the trigger just in time to hit you and in a poof of smoke your baby form crawled around in your now over sized clothes.
    "TONY! What the hell?" Bruce yells, briskly walking over. Tony chuckles, seting the gun on the table, and picks you up in his arms.
    "Calm down, the effects will wear off give or take a couple hours. Plus look at this cute chubby face!" Tony says and pinches your cheek. Bruce stares at your huge (e/c) orbs and sighs as you place your very small chubby hand on Tony's. "Oh how I have the perfect baby sitter for you," he says and bops your nose as you giggle.
     "Tony, no." Bruce inisits as he steps closer to your baby form. Tony holds you protectively to his chest as Bruce nears.
     "Tony, yes and will." He replies.

                  A few moments later
A soft knock rings throughout Loki's room as he reads silently. He groans and pretends he isn't there, in hopes they will leave. It was silent for a while, before he heard a loud thump against the door and small whines. His eyebrows raise as he stands, curiously. He opens the door and looks around to see nothing. He goes to step back into his room, whenever something grabs a hold of his pants leg. He looks down seeing a small infant. "A child?" He questions and pulls his pants leg away from you.
     You look up to him with your big (e/c) eyes and reach your hands up. His breath hitches as his eyes met yours. They look overly familar to him. The remind him of you, but that would be obserd. You are a full blown adult and as far as he knows, not a single mother. 
     His eyes scan over you and he sees a small note clipped to the front of your outfit. He kneels down to your height and plucks the note from your chest. Your small body walks towards his as he unfolds the paper. Your hands land on his bent torso and you squeal with delight.
        'Dear Loki,
I hate to inform you that your dearest friend has been put under, what you call, a spell. Now, they have been transformed into a mere infant, who can not take care of themselves. Do us all a favor and take care of the little brat for us. The affects will wear off soon, so don't worry you aren't stuck watching her forever.
                             Sincerely, Your greatest friend.
               P.S. the baby is Y/n L/n, just incase you hadn't figured that out yet.'

    Loki's breath hitches as he looks down to you from the note. You did have all the features of his friend, that he may or may not have a soft spot for. Your small hands play with the armour he wears and he groans silently. 'Why me?' He thinks and picks you up. He closes the door behind him and he sets you on his bed. You flop on your back with a giggle as you attempt to get on your stomach. You stop once your eyes land on something shiny. Loki picks his book back up and begins to read, maybe the affects will wear off sooner than later.
      He glances up from his book to see your small hand reaching towards his daggers sitting in his desk. "Woah," he gasps as he pulls you back from the sharp blades. You whine and frail your arms around in his lap. "Hush you pesky mortal, I just saved your life." You look up to him with teary eyes and begin to cry. The sound of your cries amplifying as the seconds past. He stares down at you flabbergasted and pinches his nose. "Stop that," he says getting aggervated with your whines. Your small hands smacks against him and he exhales aggressively through his nostrils. "Fine," he yells and summons a dagger. He places it under a spell, making it too were it can not hurt you. Your small hands grab hold of it and you place it in your mouth chewing on it. He stares at you with confusion and rolls his eyes. He picks his book up once again as you go back to playing around.
    As the time passes your stomach begins to rumble and you squirm throwing the dagger aside. Once again, Loki looks up from his book to you. "What is it now?" He questions himself as your stomach growls. You whimper and begin to crawl into his lap. His eyes scan yours in hopes that some way you'll be able to tell him what babys your age eat.
     Your small chubby fingers wrap around the top of his book and you tug it down to his lap. As your eyes scan the word filled paper, you make a impressed 'woaaah,' sound and smack your hand against the page. Loki can't help but to chuckle at your widened eyes and adorable chubby cheeks. "Yes, you remember this book? You used to read it all the time," he says and hesitantly places a hand on top of your head. You smile at this action, as your stomach begins to growl again. "Oh right," he says and stands from his place on the bed; lifting you with him. He begins to walk into the kitchen, earning strange glances from some of the inhabitants.
     "Um Loki, I don't mean to sound rude, but who's baby is that?" Steve asks approaching the mischeif god. Loki holds you on his hip as he opens the fridge grabbing the milk. "Wait- you might want to try some baby formula," Steve says quickly and puts the milk away.
     "Oh thank you. This is Y/n," Loki explains and begins to make too
he formula. Steve's eyebrows furrow as he looks back to Sam. "Some bastard mortal cursed her temporarily, turning her into a baby." Loki stops shaking the bottle as you grab it from him and pop it into your mouth. "Someone in this building actually," he says and exaims the two friends suspiciously.
    "Why would they do that?" Sam asks, genuinely curious. Loki sighs and pinches his nose.
    "If I knew I wouldn't be here right now," he groans as alittle milk trickles down your cheek. His eyes scan over yours and he swipes his thumb over your cheek; cleaning you up.
    "You know, your rather good with kids." The three males turn to see the widow emerging from the hall, with a work out towel slung over her shoulders. Loki scoffs at her compliment and takes the empty bottle from your hands. You whine as he places you over his shoulder to burp you.
    "Let me burp them," Natasha says walking forward. She doesn't like to admit it, but she always wanted kids. Knowing she can't have any only makes it worse. Loki's eyes scan her sweaty features and his grip on your tightened.
    "No, I can do it," he interjects as you burp and yawn simultaneously. "Plus it's already done. Okay good bye," he says quickly, teleporting to his room, and locking his door. You snuggle up to his shoulder and rub your eyes, feeling full and sleepy. "Nap time?" He questions as he sits on his bed. He lays your down and tucks you into his silky sheets as he picks his books up. He begins to read again, but he feels you crawling into his lap and laying your small hand on top of the book. "Fine, I'll read to you, but only this once," he sighs and leans back onto the pillows as you crawl onto him again and snuggle into his shoulder. His cheeks heat up a bit as he begins to read.
      At some point, Tony got bored in the lab and decied to check in on Loki and you. He tapped into the camera for his room and awed at the sight before him. Baby you all snuggled up on Loki, while you both nap. He quickly screen shotled  it and saved it to his gallery. "This is totally going on Twitter. 'One moment enslaving the human race. The next, baby sitting mortals,'." Tony snickers as he captions the photo and posts it.

    Loki's eyes open slowly, feeling a heavy weight of another on him. His eyes meet (h/c) (h/l) locks, that tickle his nose. "What the?" He questions as he moves to get a better view of this fully grown adult laying a top him. His eyes momentarily widen with shock as he realizes its you, but then he remembers the note and you as a baby and he sighs in relief. "Well, I guess play time is over," he whispers and moves your hair out of your face, exaiming your peaceful features. A true sleeping beauty, you are. His thumb grazes across your smooth (s/c) casing. You nuzzle into his touch as you snore softly. A small smile crawls onto both of your lips. How more bloody adorable can you get?

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now