Achoo! (Loki)

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You sat up in bed. Your head was spinning and aching. Your eyes where iching like crazy. You pulled your feet over your bed and rubbed your eyes. You slipped on your maids outfit and sneezed.

"I think I'm sick."
You muttered too yourself and picked up a designated sick mask. You strapped it over your face and picked up your cleaning supplies. You headed towards your masters room; taking a few stops on the way, because your head was spinning. Once you made it too his room you pushed the door open slowly. Loki looked up at your from his book and you looked down too your feet. It was disrespectful too look the royal family in the eyes.

"I'm here too clean your room Mas-ACHOO!"
Out of habit you covered your mouth with your elbow. You let out a groggy sigh and apologized. At this time he was standing up and blocking the entrance too his room.

"You're sick."
He said propping his elow up on the door; looking down at you.

"I have a mask on, so it won't spr-*insert coughing noises*," you paused and set the cleaning supplies down.

"I might be sick..."
You said and looked down too your feet. He observed you and sighed.

"You need to go back too your room and rest."
He says and glansed back too his book.

"Are you sure?"
You asked looking at him suprized. A smile tugged at his lips at how casual you adressed him. It was quite amusing too him whenever you slipped up.

"Yes, I'm sure dust doesn't collect that quickly."
He reassures and steps back into his room.

"Um, thank you Master."
You say and pick up the cleaning supplies.

He says suddenly. Which causes you too stop in your tracks.


"Call me Loki."

He says and shuts the door. You look at the door for a minute, before turning on your heel. That was very weird. You had barely spoken too him other than the occasional 'here too clean your room sir' and sometimes talk about books. You set the cleaning supplies down in the closet and had a sneezing fit once more. Other maids and butlers had kept their distance in the hallways whenever walking by you. How friendly of them. You thought before turning into your bedroom. You kicked your shoes off and flopped down on your bed. You hadn't noticed how tired you had been that day, until you suddenly woke up under your covers with a warm rag on your forehead.

When did I fall asleep!? Was the only thought running through your head. You sat up and the warm rag flopped down into your lap. You head started too spin and you groaned trying too regain straight sight again. Thats whenever you saw the sleeping figure in a chair with a opened book in his lap.

"Master Loki?"
You whispered silently too yourself. Why was he here? Wait, did he put the warm rag on your forehead? Was he attempting too take care of you? These thoughts ran through your head so widely that you hadn't noticed whenever he woke up and was staring back at you.

He said furrowing his eyebrows together. You snapped out of your thoughts and wiped the dumbfounded expression off of your face.

"S-sorry! I was just suprised."
You said nervously before looking down at your hands and fiddled with the rag nervously. Much too your suprise he laughed and set the book down.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now