You're Not a Monster! (Loki)

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⚠️Self-Harm!!⚠️ ⚠️Angst!⚠️

      A single tear streamed down Loki's face as he stared into the mirror. His frosty blue skin glistened in the light and his fingers trailed over the designed imprints of his skin. Monster. He closed his eyes and turned away. Why must he be the monster parents tell their children about? Why had he killed all those people? Why didn't his parents love him? Why did everyone hate him? Why was he so lonely? He knew the answer to all of those questions. He was a monster. He drew in a deep breath and wiped away his tears.    
    Everyone hated him. Everyone in the Avengers Tower avoided him. They only talked to him when they needed something or wanted to find Thor. Thor. He bit the inside of his cheek. Why did everyone love Thor more than him? Why couldn't he be like Thor? The back of his knees hit the corner of his bed and he sat. He looked down at his scarred frosty blue  wrist. 'Help them rid themselves from this monster.' He thought, remembering why the scars were there. 'Why are you such a failure!?' He thought and balled up his fists. He was a weakling and horrible beast, that needs to be contained. He opened the drawer and picked up the blood stained razor blade. 'I hate you.' He thought as the blade glided across his wrist. Splotches of red bubbled up from underneath the razor and he bit his lip. 'Monster!' He did it a second time underneath the first and continued.
    "Loki!" He turned quickly too see you standing at his door. Your eyes dropped to his arm and your once bright smile faded into a frown. He felt his blood run cold. Not that it wasn't already cold. "What are you?" You shut the door behind you quickly and walked over to him. He quickly tried the hide the razor and cover up his wrists, but the blood soaked through his sleeve.
     "What is it?" He asked harshly and forgot to cast an illusion in his frantic state of mind. You grabbed his wrist and he flinched in pain before snatching it away. "Don't touch me." He growled amd changed back into his Asgaurdian form.
     "Loki, what did you do to yourself?" You ask starring, seriously, into his eyes. He was caught off gaurd by how upset you looked and turned away.
    "I don't believe that is any of your concern." He said back rudely and motioned to the door for you to leave.
    "It is my concern! I'm not going to sit by and watch you do this to yourself!" You responded and stepped closer to him.
    "Why do you care!? You never cared before!?" He yelled, towering over you. Your face twisted into anger and disbelief.
    "Because I love you Loki!" You yelled back, before thinking. He stared back at you for a moment completely shocked. Realising what you had said, you flushed a deep red, but instead of backing down you held your head high. "I always cared for you! I thought you knew that." You paused and looked away from him. "I don't want to see you hurt Loki." You continued and looked back up to him. Tears pricked at the edges of his eyes as he stared down at you. Not in anger or pity, but pure shock.
    "Y/n I-"
     "No, I don't want you to say anything." You cut him off and grab his wrist. "I always defended you against the other Avengers. I tried my best too include you in the group activities. I just wanted you to be happy... I guess I should've tried harder." You bit the inside of your cheek looking at his blood stained sleeve. "Please, let me clean it." You said. He stares at you for a second, before deciding to let you. "I don't expect you to tell me why you done this to yourself, but I'm always here for you, Loki." You say and roll his sleeve back; taking him into the private bathroom. He sat on the toilet lid as you scamper around the cabnits looking for the first aid.
   Once you found it you poured rubbing alcohol onto a tower and cleaned and wiped the blood away. "Why?" He asked softly. Your eyes met his while you held pressure onto the open wounds. "Why do you love me?" You smiled and glanced at the towel.
     "Because you make me feel normal. You help me understand that we all make mistakes, but what matters is trying to fix the things you messed up. You.." You stop and look into his eyes. "You inspire me." You finish and you can see a mix of emotions cross his eyes as he stares back. You kept your warm smile and looked back to his cuts. You dug through the medical kit to find some cream to put over it. He whimpers and hangs his head. Tears stream down his cheeks and you finish wrapping his arm up.
     "Thank you." He replied in between sobs. You rolled his sleeve down and wrapped your arms around his back, causing him to lean forward onto your chest.
     "You've been strong for too long, Loki." You said and rub circles into his back. His sobs became stronger and he let it all out. He sobbed and sobbed for a good thirty minutes. You just sat there and comforted him by rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothing to him. Eventually he lifted his face from your chest and looked up to you. You gave him a sweet smile, which caused him to also smile. He was so surprised at your kindness. No one other than his mother had cared for him so deeply. It moved him.
    Your hand trailed up to his face and you wiped his tears away. He leaned into your touch, causing your heart to jump into your throat. "Thank you." He said softly and grabbed your hand; kissing it. Your face flushed a deep red and you grinned shyly and looked away.
    "Always." You stuttered. He stood and wrapped his arms around your back pulling close to him. No one had ever done such a thing for him and he knew that he couldn't let you get away. You were different and he'd be damned if he left you slip away.
      "I mean it." He cooed and burried his face into the crook of your neck. You could feel his warm breath on your skin, causing goose bumps to trail up your back. Out of habit you immeaditly wrap your arms around him and hold on for dear life. The man of mischief and lies had just exposed his soul to you and it was beaten and bruised, so you did the only reasonable thing to do. You tended to his wounds. You hadn't realised before how deep his wounds were.
    He takes a deep breath in; taking in your scent and soft skin. How detectable you where, in all your natural beauty. He admired it.  He envied your imperfect perfections. He hadn't noticed them till now. "You can't be real." He whispered and held you tighter. You couldn't help but to laugh softly. Your arms tightened around his torso and you smiled.
    "I can assure you that I am very real." You mumbled back and he parted from you and looked down into your eyes.
   "Y/n?" You looked up at his puffy eyes and hummed still stuck in the day dream he created for you. "What made you come in here in the first place?" He asked and cocked an eyebrow. You inhale sharply; trying to remember.
    "Oh! The team ordered pizza. I just needed your vote on which kind we should get." You said with a chuckle. "But i'm sure they've already ordered by now." His eyes scaned over yours and he smiled.
     "Yes, I'm also sure they have." He reassured you and ran his fingers through his hair. You smiled at him and grabbed his free hand dragging him to the bed. "What are you-?" He went to ask, but you cut him off by pushing him onto the bed. His face flushed a light pink as he stares up at you. You smirked and walked to the door and flicked the light out.
     "I'm sure after a good cry like that, that you're a bit tired. Get some rest. I'll wake you when the pizza is ready." You said and went to open the door.
      "Stay." You looked back at him wide eyed and a smile crawled onto your lips.
    "What about the pizza?"
    "I don't care about the bloody pizza." He scowled at you. You chuckled and walked back into the room shutting the door.
    "Okay. If you say so." You replied and crawled into the bed next to him. He turned on his side, so his back was facing you. You cocked and eyebrow and cuddled up to his back. Loki smiled. He couldn't remember a time when he was so happy.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now