Intro Stephen Strange

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    Sure, you've just been added to the Avengers acouple months ago, but that doesn't stop them from shipping you across the ocean to check in with Doctor Strange. Who you heard, from Tony, was pretty weird and snarky.
    You run along side the side walk hurrying to the address on the card, as the rain pours down.
     "Ah!" You screech as a kid on his bike runs through a large puddle of water, causing the water to rain down onto your already damp body. You hear him yell an apology as he continues to trudge along. You mumble and look back to to your card, who's ink is now smeared and unreadable. You stare long and hard at the card, letting to rain drizzle down upon you.
     "Why does life hate me?" You mumble to yourself, before tucking the card into your pocket. As you walk a few paces forward, trying to remember your destination, the ground underneath you seems to disappears and you fall into a hole of darkness. Screaming, frailing your arms around, and trying to summon the earth to catch you, you finally land on a towel covered sofa. Your hands grip the sides of it and now fully alert, your eyes scan the room for anyone.
     "Y/n L/n, right?" You jump and turn behind you. The first thing you notice of the man is the red cap, that seems to float at his shoulders. Doctor Strange. "Or well also called 'mother nature,' creative I must say." He continues and walks to the seat opposite from yours. His face was straight, unamused. He took a seat opposite of yours and looked at you and your wett clothing. 'Good thing I put the towels there,' he thought and crosses his arms. You stare at him, breathing heavily, and still trying to wrap your mind around how he just transported you from the middle of the street to his- what- mansion? "Take your time." He says and raises an eyebrow at you.
    "No not that, how are you?" You ask. Your brain seems to only remember common small talk, since being in it's state of shock. He trys the stifle the smirk tugging at his lips.    
     In any normal situation, the person would be totally freaking out, bombarding him with questions on how he managed to transport them there, and such. Not that you aren't freaked out, because you totally are. Your brain just isn't working properly in the moment. Maybe you bumped your head somewhere in during the fall?
     His turquoise eyes scans your (e/c) ones. They are wide open, with a crazed look about them. Wild. Your hands are folded neatly in your lap and your back as straight as a board. He knew you are trying to give him, professional, totally not freaked vibes, so he just gave you a friendly smile. "I'm good." He lies.
   Honestly with all the chaos from the invasion of New York, bad things has started happening all over the place. He realizes that it is S.H.E.I.L.D's problem, but he can't help but to worry about it every now and then. It actually calmed him a bit, whenever they called. "Let's get you cleaned up, then we could continue with this conversation." He finishes and stands up. You follow suit, with an approving nod.
    "I have to admit, that would be nice." You say with a small laugh. You had only brought a bags worth of clothes, because you didn't plan on staying long. Just long enough to make sure he was having no problems with his part of the world or atleast that was the deal, but being that the rain had damped every bit of clothing you had, you had no clothes to wear.
     "Here let me." He says and holds his hand out towards the bag. You stare at his hand for a minute, not knowing to trust him with your personal items just yet. "I'm going to dry them. Not look through them." He resorts, after scanning your distrustful features. Hesitantly you hand him the bag and he gives you a short, awkward smile before using his magic to dry the bag and its contents.
    "Good as new." He says and hands you the bag back. Your fingers trail over the dry bag and you can't help, but to smile at him.
    "Thank you." You say, just now taking in his features. Alittle scruff (not as bad as Tony's), gental but dangerous eyes, dark hair that greys at the sides, and a muscular build. He just hums and motions for you to follow him. You do so and he leads you to a room with a bed and a few dressers and a door leading into a bathroom.
     "Here's your room for the stay. I'll be in the library when your done." He says and leaves you alone in your room. 'Strange,' you think as the door clicks shut. You hadn't noticed how perfectly his last name matches his personality.

                 A few days later
    "Hey, Strange! Do you guys have a clothes washer here?" You ask and dig  through your bag of dirty clothes. You hadn't packed clothes for a stay this long. You just got out of the shower. The only thing you had on was your towel.
      "Yes, would you like-Woah! " Dr. Strange exclaims and turns around away from your almost nude body. Your face flushes a light pink, forgetting bout the towel.
     "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." You say quickly and hold the towel tight to your body.
      "I-I'll grab you some of the robes to wear while we wash your clothes." He says and opens a portal grabbing robes from the portal. He hands then to you with his eyes fixated on the floor. You take them with an amused smile.
     "You are nothing like Stark." You say and turn your back to him, pulling the robes on. He scoffs. "He would've just kept staring like a psycho perv." You laugh and finish tieing the belt around your waist.
      "Yeah, well unlike some people, I have manners." He says annoyed and you clear your throat. "Are you done?" He asks.
     "Yeah." You reply and pick up your bag of dirty clothes. He turns around slowly and sighs in relief as he sees you dressed in the robes. Actually they were kinda cute on yo-No! He pushes the thought ti the back of his mind and leaves.
      "I've got to get a grip." He mumbles to himself.

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