(Bruce)I been whipping in the kitchen

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"Okay, so we are making a small purple cake."
You say looking at the instructions. Bruce raised and eyebrow and pushed his glasses up.

"I thought you needed my help with something seirous?"
He questioned. You looked over at him and cocked and eyebrow.

"Quality with you is seirous."
You say sending him a wink which caused his face too brun red. He fiddled with his sleeve, before walking over and looking at the instructions.

"So, we need 3 eggs, self-rising flower, sugar, and water."
He mumbles reading the materials aloud. You looked through the fridge and cabnits for the materials. You set them down in front of the mixture you had already got out.

"What about a bowl?"
He asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow. This caused a small laugh too escape your lips.

"Oh yeah!"
You laugh and reach up in the cabnit, but too your surpise it was a little too far. You squinted your eyes. You wouldn't be defeated this easily. You propped one of your knees onto the counter and attempted too hoist yourself up. A smiled crawled onto Bruce's lips. He had too admit it was pretty cute.

"Oh crap!"
You screeched as you fell backwards. Bruce rushed too your aid and luckily caught you before you hit the floor. You looked up at him. Your heart pounded in your chest.

"Be ca-!"
He started, but you placed a quick kiss on his cheek. You watched as his eyes scanned you trying too comprehend everything. His eyebrows slowly knit together and he opened his mouth too speak, but you spoke up.

"I think it'll be safer if you get the bowl. You're taller than me."
You mumble and gave him a nervous smile.  He nodded with a dazed look in his eyes. He reached up and grabbed the bowl bringing it back down too the counter.

"How much flower?"
You asked looking at the directions.

"Two cups?"
You asked raising an eyebrow. He picked up the measuring cup and poured it in until it reached two cups. He poured it in the bowl and you watched with a smirk. Even whenever it came too baking a cake he had too have the measurments just right.

You cracked two eggs loudly on the counter then poured the yolk into the bowl. Bruce grabbed the thrid one cracking it and pouring it into the bowl.

"How much sugar?"
He asked and turned too you, but you where eyeballing the measurement, because why the heck not.  He sighed and pinched his nose. He raised an eyebrow whenever you didn't stop pouring at a quarter of the bag.

"Okay, I think thats enough."
He said taking the bag from your hands. You looked up at him with puppy eyes and smiled.

"It has too be sweet, because you're sweet Bruce."
You said with a confident smile. His face turned a bright pink. He fiddled with his sleeve and turned too the sink too wash out the measuring cup. He muttered an awkward 'thank you.' Which caused you too laugh, because he is so nervous. You playfully hit his shoulder.

"Lighten up buttercup we got a cake too bake."
You cheered and started to put the mixer together. He poured the water into the mixture of items. You plugged the mixer in and put it in the bowl turning it on low before cranking up the heat.

"Mix on high for 5-10 minutes."
He read aloud and looked up at you. See he knew you where pretty and sweet, but he sucks at taking complements. He was just hoping you knew that, because he also sucks at telling his feelings.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now