I'm Bleeding!? (Tony)

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(Fem! reader x Tony)

     You groan as you look down to your newly ruined underwear. You started in your sleep. Perfect thing to wake up too. Actually it was your ideal morning. Waking up in a pool of your own blood. Absolutely fucking wonderful. That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell.
    You shove turn on the steaming shower water and strip of your disgusting clothes. You made sure you grabbed sweats and a baggy T-shirt before you came in. As the water heated up you stood there contemplating on getting your tubes tied. Then you wouldn't have to deal with a period, right? You stick your arm under the now boiling water and your smile grows. Just what you needed. A nice hot shower.
   After you successfully steamed up every mirror in the bathroom, you got dressed. Don't worry you smacked a (pad/or tampom) on there before you did. You combed your hair out then you noticed acouple red bumps on your forehead. You immeaditly felt irritated. Pimples, again. You put your hair out of your face and begun the facial scrubbing ritual. "Baby! How ar- wait why is there blood on the sheets?" You could hear Tony yell from the bedroom. You groaned at the sound of his voice. For some reason, you really couldn't stand him on your period. You wanted to be a Tony repellant.
  You dried your face and pushed the door open. "I started." You say looking up at Tony, who was suprizingly changing the sheets for you. "Oh um, I can get that." You begin, but he just looks up at you with a smile.
     "I got it, babe." He says and carries the sheets to the dirty baskets. You stared at him, astonished, and went to grab more sheets from the drawers. "Hey, I said I got it Y/n." He said jogging over and taking the sheets from you. Your eyebrows furrow together, feeling agitated at first, but when he placed a soft kiss on your forehead your anger stopped. "Why don't you go lay down on the couch? You can pick out a movie for us to watch." He said and begun making up the bed.
     "Are you sure? I'm not helpless, you know." You say gesturing towards the sheets. He looks up at you and smiles.
    "Yeah, I know. I just want you to relax." He says and tucks in the sheets. Weird, he never has been this kind during your past periods. You turn on your heel and begin walking to the living room thinking about it. You grab a blanket and plop down onto the couch and flip through the Netflix movies. You pick out a movie and wait for Tony. On cue, he walks in and sits down besides you. "What're we watching?" He asks, looking at you. You smile as he takes in your beautiful (e/c) eyes and your (s/c) features.
    "(Insert Netflix movie.)" You say and lean your head on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around you and he kissed  the top of your head.
     "Perfect." He mumbles and takes in your scent and warmth. You  pull the blanket over the two of you and you smile. It was nice. Weird, but nice. 
    Ten minutes into the movie the door bell rings. You groan and pinch your nose. "I'll get it." Tony says alittle to quickly. You move off of him and watch as he goes to the door. The hallway blocked his figure and you squinted  and strained your neck to get a better look. Tony mumbled something and laughed. 'Who the fuck?' You thought and went to stand up when you heard Tony say 'thank you,' and the door shut. You turned around quickly, trying not to look suspicious. Then you smell it. That smelly smell that smells smelly. Your head snaps to him and he smiles at you holding two boxes of pizzas. Your suspicion melts into thankfulness as he sets them on the table. "Yes, I got the (favorite pizza sauce.)" He says and places a bottle of it down. You smile warmly at him and open the box. It was (favorite pizza.)  You breath in the scent and turn to Tony, who admired you.
    "Thank you, Tony." You say and kiss his lips gentally. He kisses back and cups your face. You break the kiss with a toothy grin. He chuckled softly and tucked an askew piece of hair out of the way. "Can I ask what the special occasion is?" You mumble with a smile. His eyebrow raises.
    "I'm not allowed to treat my wife?" He asked and kissed your hand. You couldn't help but to grin as you looked away from him to the pizza. Wife? Sounds so weird. [You are just newly weds.]
     "I guess so." You say and grab a slice and dip it in the sauce. He smiled doing the same. You press play and snuggling up to him.
    As the movie went on you grew sleepy with a full stomach. You felt blotted and fat. Which only made you sad, that you didn't do enough for your figure. You pick at your shirt and start thinking of how heavy you must feel in Tony's lap. You try to scoot off of him, but his arms wrap around your waist pulling you back in his lap. "Whats wrong?" He asks and you look up at him.
    "Nothing." You say back trying not to sound or look sad. His eyes scanned yours and he kissed your shoulder. Then slowly trailed kisses up your neck. Your eye lids flutter shut as he kisses up your jaw line and to your lips. You kiss back softly and he breaks it.
    "I love you." He mumbles against your lips. Shivers run down your spine and you snuggle closer to his chest as the movie credits come on. His arms snake around you and he holds you closely. "You're beautiful." He speaks again and twirls a strand of your hair. You could feel his love wash over you like your shower this morning. You never wanted to leave his arms.
     "I love you too, Tony." You say back softly into his chest and kiss his ark reactor. His fingers tangle into your hair and he kisses your forehead. Then you spent more that five hours cuddling and watching movies. 💕

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