Quantum Phasing (Tony)

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    (This is roughly based off of Ghost's 'disability,' and also takes place after S.H.E.I.L.D lost Ava Starr [Ghost], but the time lime is not as far along as the Ant Man and The Wasp [MCU]. If you are confused, watching Ant Man and The Wasp helps explain this a little bit.)

     You look down to your hands, seeing them multiply and divide infront of your eyes. Your hands shake with anticipation as you stare up at Tony Stark from inside the glowing mechanism. The feeling of your physique being ripped apart and sowed back together endlessly, ripples pain throughout your body.
      How did you end up in the predicament? Well lets just say Hank Pym wasn't the only one messing with Quantum realm technology.
     Long ago, whenever you worked for Hydra, you and a Doctor James Shnizer worked in the Quantum Physics department. Dr. Shnizer and you were in a intement relationship. Everything was perfect until the Quantum tunnel you were working on exploded causing the energy to absorb into your skin, instantly killing everyone in the lab, but you. Hydra soldiers found you phasing; attempting to revive your lost lover, but you couldn't even touch him.
     "James!" You scream, trying to preform CPR on him, but your hands just run through his body as if they don't exist at all. "Wake up, James." You cry, pain rippling throughout your limbs. You need to save him. Breath hitching and body phasing, you lean your head down to cry silently. You can't save him. You can't even touch him.
    "Dr. L/n?" A deep voice says from behind you. You could feel something breeze through your body, so you look back too see a solider standing there trying to grasp you.

     After that Hydra trained you to do feild work, promising they'd cure you. They called you God's gift from heaven, if there even is a God. Of course, they never intended to cure you. You were too valuable. Too beneficial.
        They never aloud you back into a lab and if they caught you trying to figure out some way to fix yourself, you were punished. Which is pretty hard too do when you can't touch the person, but boy did they find a way. "I love you Y/n." They replayed his voice over and over until you couldn't take it. You felt like dying yourself, knowing you could never see him again.
      "Stop it!" You yell, covering your ears. You can't stand to hear his voice. Tears streaming down your cheeks, you cower into the floor of the room.

     This is when you decided to leave. They sent you on a mission in America, New York. You were to infiltrate a S.H.E.I.L.D base and collect data, but once the Avengers showed up you knew this was your chance.     
     "Please, help me,"  You said; voice and body phasing at the seams. Tears on the verge of your eyes, you saw them look around at each other with confusion. "I am a slave to Hydra. They  have killed my lover, burdened me with this curse, and force me to kill the innocent. Please set me free." You plead and drop to your knees; hoping and praying they believe you.
    "Come with us. I'll help you." You stare up into the crystal blue eyes of Captain America, feeling hope overwhelm you. 
    "Thank you." You say and reach for his hand, but yours slips through his and you frown.

     Immeaditly, you began working with Tony Stark and Doctor Bruce Banner.
    It took you time to get close to them, being that your emotional state was never the best. You were always paranoid and uncertain about Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D's intents. They called you a rerun of the Quantum Phasing. Which of course, at first, confused you.
    'A rerun? How could that be?' You thought staring into the dark eye of the director as he continues to explain.   
     "Before S.H.E.I.L.D collapsed a long time ago. We had an agent. Her name was Ava Starr. She went through the same problems you are going through, except at a younger age. She ended up disappearing after the collapse." He pauses and looks to the file and closes it. "We assume she's dead, because we haven't heard nor seen anything about her." He says and tucks the file away.
     "I want to know more." You say looking at the file safely tucked away. His eye narrows onto you.
    "Maybe later, but right now you need to go find Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner in the lab. They'll got something to tell you." He says distracting you. You look to the file one last time, before leaving the room.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя