Tame Me (Loki)

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A/n: I do apologize for the Loki spam, but he is all my inspiration right now. I would also like to say, that I am writing a one shot for Bruce right now. ❗I AM TRYING TO USE THEM/THEY PRONOUNS❗
     Loki paces in his Asgaurdian cell. He knew Y/n would be here soon. 'Y/n, Teller of truth and answers' crock of shit he thought. He had heard stories of Y/n in his past. The very thought of someone being able to render him defenseless with words and lies, make him quake. He doesn't believe you can do it. No one could do such a thing to him, Loki of Mischief and Lies. He believes he can make you tremble under his very tone, but he paced. Nervously, anxiously, because what if you could do it? What back alleys and boundaries could he put up?
    Damn, his father and his stupidity. How dare he believe Thor could lead this country? Lead it into destruction, he will. Why couldn't he see that? Did missing an eye really blind his divine judgement so? Pitiful, he thought. "This is Loki?" He snapped around to see Thor and a strange being he never saw before. "Pitiful really, I expected a better illusion than that." Y/n sighs and looks up to the real Loki's eyes. He smirked, this would be fun.
     "Ah, and you must be Y/n. Teller of-um what was it again? Oh! Truth and answers. Do tell me, am I lying?"  He asks looking for any flicker of emotion in their eyes. There was one, aggravation. Clearly, they have been through this before.
     "That must be one of the only words that was not a lie, from your lips." Y/n says and motions for Thor to open the cell and let them in. Which he does, Y/n steps in fully confident in their powers. "Sit Loki, it's not everyday I speak with the god of lies himself." Y/n sits in a chair and motions for Thor to leave. He does so, hesitantly to say the least. Loki glances around, looking for hidden ears, but he stands by his chair defiant to your order.
     "I'd rather stand. You see, being trapped in a cell all day leaves one legs in need of a good stretch." He says and leans on the wall exaiming you. "Why are you here again?" He asks exaiming your features more closly. From the curvature of your lip to the crossing of your legs.
     "We both know the answer to that. Now, tell me. Why did you lead the frost giants into Asgaurd?" You asks and stare him in the eyes, not breaking contact. This causes and uneasy shiver to run down his spine.
     "Your assumptions are pointless. I ask you the same thing, Teller of Truth and answers. Why am I here?" He asks spinning a web, unbeknownst by those who do not think. Y/n smiles and their eye twitches slightly, in amusement. They knew he'd be a hard case, but they took it anyways and he was living up to his reputations.
    "Jealousy? Envy? It happens to the best of us, trickster." Y/n says and tucks the lock of hair behind their ear. Loki's eye twitched as he thought back to his stupid brother. "Betrayal even. You've been mocked, have you not?" His eyes snap back to you. Had they told you of his position. He rolled his eyes and smiled.
     "You know nothing of what you speak. You say meaningless emotions are the cause of my actions. Let me unveil your eyes. I am a god whos actions are beyond that of emotions." He spat and shook his head at them, disapproving at your angle. Y/n's eyes shimmered slightly at his words and they stood.
     "Emotions do more than effect your actions God trickster. Does your heart not jump at the thought of being king? My king." They ask. Loki's heart had sped up in his chest and a smirk curled its ways onto his lips. He tried to ignore how tempting you looked, even if it was dreadful to pull his eyes away from them. "I'll take that as a yes. What would you do to earn that title, Loki?" Y/n paused as his eyes met theirs with dangerous intent. It sent a thrilling chill down their spine, causing a spark to ignite. "Ruin your brothers big day, perhaps? Hoping he would reconsider his decisions?" Y/n carried on taking menacing steps towards Loki, who seemed on the verge of snapping.
   "How dare you?" He sneered. His shoulders rising with anger.
    "It's quite rational, King." They smiled and for the first time, looked away from him. His anger paused and he became puzzled. "Wanting to be king that is. It does give- hm what is it? A sense of authority. Power." Y/n's eyes cut straight up at him. Tempting him in with the play of words. They seemed to already have all the answers to their questions, but yet here they are.
   "What good is power in the hands of the stupid?" Loki asks straightening up and tempting you with his own. "Especially when there is more capable suiters. Wouldn't you agree, Y/n?" He says, now taking steps towards you. They smirked, knowing his play. His eyes scanned over their eyes for weakness, but they only showed to be endless pools of temptation.
    "Depends really, who are the capable suiters Loki?" Y/n's eyes cut down to Loki's lips then back up to Loki, who towered over them. They weren't scared, but tempted only for a moment.
    "Aren't you the one with all the answers, love?" He inquires and brings his index finger under your chin. He tilted their head to the side to get a good look of the neck, which he could have just attacked right there. No one had ever been on par with him like this. It amused him. One could even say it kept him on his toes. Your fingers trail up the gold plated armor of his to the pop of his black and green collar.
    "Yes. I believe you're right." Y/n pauses and looks away from his armoured chest to his face and his eyes; Filled with curiosity and temptation. "I have learned more than I expected too. Thank you, King." They whisper as he leans down to capture their lips. They put a finger to his lips and smirk up at him. Thrills run through his chest as they call him king. No one had ever had it in them to stay on the same page as him, but Y/n had read by like a breeze. Perhaps they were even a step ahead of him. "Until next we meet at you fathers judgement." Y/n says and turns on their heel.  Loki admires the swing in their step as they leave his cell and turn to smirk at him. "This was fun." Was all they said before turning the corner and leaving.
    Thor quickly came sprinting down the corridor to make sure Loki's cage was secure. "I like her." Loki admits and plops back down in his chair with a sly smirk. How ironic? The god of Mischief and lies taking a liking to Y/n teller of truth and answers. Surely, he had to be living in a play write. 

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