Nice Abs (Tony)

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You stood in your bathroom mirror practicing your lines. You cleared your throat and stared at your reflection.

"Hey there sexy- No. Thats coming on too strong."
You say running your finger through your hair.  Then you began too wonder how the amazing Tony Stark would fall for a average human being as yourself. I mean you had plain (H/c) hair. Your personality was either too boring or too wild. There is never an in between.

"Gosh, out of all the guys I could've fell for it had too be Tony."
You mumbled and rubbed your face in annoyance. You turn the sink on and wash your face off, before drying it with a towel.

"Alright, here we go."
You said too yourself; walking out of your room and torwards the lab. The closer you got too lab the more your confidence withered away. Where'd it go? I don't know, but it's gone. You stood pacing back and forth infront of the lab doors.

"I can't do this. What if he doesn't feel the same? What if-Oh No!!"
You whisper yelled at the thought of your friendship disappearing. You pinched your nose and could feel your hands shaking.

"This is not good. Not good at all."
You sighed and closed your eyes.

"Yeah! Little did she know, I was freaking know!"
Tony yell on the other side of the wall. You didn't want too be nosey, but you loved hearing Tony talk, so you put your ear too the wall.

"Well, do what you do best. Flirt."
Bruce chimed in.

"I don't know how too anymore! Everytime I try too it always comes out in some weird blob of unrelated words!"
Tony says obviously fumming about something.

"One time she was helping me with my work, not that I needed help, She leaned over me too grab a pencil and I said 'nice Abs'."
Tony continued and you could hear the rolling if a chair along with some of Bruce's laughs.

"Completely unrelated."

"I know right! This whole thing is crazy. Every time I see her my heart jumps into my throat and I can't even breath around her sometimes."
Tony continues. This made your heart pound in your chest. Sure the two of you shared that moment together, but it could've also happened with someone else. You didn't want too come off as self centered.

"Just the sound of her name is apealing."
He says and pauses for a minute. This minute has never gone by so slowly in your life. Was he going too say your name or the name of some mistress of his?

You almost jumped out of your skin as someone tapped your shoulder. You jumped and turned too see Clint standing there. His eyebrow was raised and he was observing you.

You shushed and waved him off. He held his hands up in the air and walked away slowly.

"Isn't it just lovely?"

"Yeah, she is a dear friend."
Bruce replied. DAMN YOU CLINT!  You decied it was time too go in. Your hand slowly typed in the passcode and the door binged whenever it unlocked. You sighed knowing that there was no going back now. You pushed the door open and walked in. Both science bro's gaze was apon you.

"Speak of the devil, look who the cat dragged in Tony."
Bruce said with a small smirk on his lips. Tony glanced over at Bruce with a deadly stare. Tony knew Bruce was just getting back at him for whenever he picked on him and Natasha at first.

"Talking about me? I was wondering why I was sneezing." You beamed happily. Bruces comment confirmed that Tony liked you and it made you happy.

"I guess now I know."
You said locking eyes with Tony. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Then a smile broke out onto his face.

"Nice Abs- I mean-uh."
He said it all went down hill from there. His face was getting redder and redder by the minute. It amuses you how you made the one and only Tony Stark fumbled over his words.

"Here let me finish that."
You say and leaned in. You paused right at his lips as if asking for permission. He grabbed the back of your head and pulled you into a sweet yet nervous kiss. This made your stomach do butterflies. Tony Stark was kissing you. Well, you kissed Tony Stark! It was the best feeling in the world. You both parted slowly. The tingling sensation on your lips, however remained.

"And thank you. I do have nice, muscular flabs."
You say patting your stomach. A goofey grin spread across his face and he leaned in kissing you once more.

"Get a room."
Bruce called out leaning on his desk.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now