The Empath (Teaser)

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(This is a teaser to my Loki x reader book. Mehehe! This Chapter isn't cannon so don't get your panties in a whirl. I wrote this a long time ago and decied that it shouldn't be a cannon chapter, so I rewrote it and such. Any who- this is the chaper before I rewrote it and such.

What you need to know: The reader is an Empath[They can feel others emotions] They only feel the emotions of other whenever their skin comes into contact with others)

  Once you got home, you immediately kick your shoes off and take a shower. After you where finished you slugged into the kitchen to cook up some supper.
      "Are you alright?" Loki asks as he walks into the kitchen and stands by the sink. You sigh and look over to him.
    "Yeah, its just been a rough day." You say and give him a weak smile. He nods and places a hand on your, covered, shoulder. You sigh and subconsciously lean into his touch. Your arms and legs are sore and you are dead tired. You pause from stirring the pasta noodles and close your eyes. His fingers start to go to work on your shoulders. You lean your head back and groan. "You're good at this." You mumble and take in deep breaths. You could hear him laugh and it makes you laugh. Your stir the noodles some more after you open your eyes.
      "I've had practice, love." He says with a smirk. You turn to him and smirk back.
     "Oh have you now?" You say pointing the steaming fork at him and he chuckles.
      "My mother, darling." He responds with his hands up. Your smirk changes into a smile and you laugh.
     "Sure pal." You turn back to the noodles and stir them. Topper began to howl loudly and scratched at the door.
     "I'll let him in." He says and he turns to the door. You could feel disappointment swell up in your chest. You didn't want him to leave, but your disappointment fades as Loki's fingers snap causing the door to open and close.
     "Oh, thats handy." You say with a smile as you began to strain the noodles. Topper starts barking at the door as it closes by itself, causing Loki to laugh at him.

   After you successfully finished dinner you turn to Loki and your eyes widen as you see him fully dressed in the armour he arrived in. He was petting Topper as Topper licked his face. Every now and then he would mumble, through a laugh, about him being a dull creature. You smile watching the scene. Even though he was dressed so weirdly, it felt natural. His wide smile and laugh blends into the scene as if he always belonged there.
    His eyes look over to your as he laughed and he smiled at you. "Topper is quiet the sidekick." He says before receiving one more lick to the face. Topper jumped off the couch and wags his tail, sitting in front of you. You lean down and pet him.
     "I completely agree." You say and stand straight again. "Oh! Dinner is ready, come get your plate." You say and pull out two plates. Loki quickly appears by you causing you to yelp. He laughs softly and takes the plate from your hand. As your skin touches, you could feel a blanket of warmth and happiness rush over you. You breathe in and smile widely at him. He smiles back and leans down pressing his forehead against yours. Your hand propels towards his and you hold it tightly. A wide smile crosses over your lips as you close your eyes enjoying his happiness-well your happiness too!  He squeezes your hand and his thumb runs across your skin causing you to melt inside. You had never experienced something as grand as this. Not even with your ex. You bite your lip and open your eyes. He pulls his forehead away from yours and plants a kiss onto your forehead.
     "Thank you." He says with his lips still touching your forehead.
    "For what?" You ask looking up at him. Suddenly a wash a gratitude and loyalty crashes against you.
   "For showing me how beautiful life can be." He says and parts from you. His eyes stare down into yours and you could feel a shiver run down your spine. You squeeze his hand and smile up at him.
    "Anything for you." The words left your lips without thought. Your face flushes a dark shade of red. "I'm sorry,  that was sudden I didn't mean to-" your words are cut short, whenever his lips smash against yours. You react without hesitation and kiss him back. You unwrap your fingers from his and wrap your arms tightly around his neck. His arms snake around your waist and they hold you tightly to his body. Your heart pumps quickly in your chest as the electricity burns through your body.
    "Arrooaahhh!" You both break quickly to see Topper jump up on his back legs and lung at Loki. He bites Loki's pants leg and tries to pull him away from you.
    "Topper! Topper quit it!" You yell and quickly come to Loki's aid. Topper releases and growls at Loki. Loki's expression was priceless. "Sorry, I forgot to mention how protective he is." You say and open the door and tell Topper to go out. He walks towards the door and looks back to Loki and growls. "Out!" You yell and he snorts and finishes walking outside. Loki runs his fingers through his hair and smiles apologetically.
     "It's quite fine. I would bite someone too if they started making moves on my human." He says and wraps his arms around your waist again. You laugh and lean onto his chest.
    "I guess I could understand that too." You say and stare up at him. His fingers twirl a piece of your hair. You both stand like that for a moment and then eat.
    Whenever you let Topper in, he had returned to his normal self and he sat his head on Loki's lap, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. "It's okay." Loki mumbles and pets Toppers head. Topper jumped into Loki's lap and started licking him again.
     "Topper get down you crazy dog. You're too big to be in someones lap." You laugh and Topper begins to lick you face. You laugh and pet Topper; accidentally pushing him off the couch.

    Then finally the night was over. You stretch out in your bed and Topper climbs on and nuzzles your feet. You smile and look over to see Loki already asleep facing towards you. You smile and turn the night lamp off and going too sleep. A perfectly tiresome day.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now