pranks, arguments, and kisses

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■(Loki x reader)■

    You walk through your door thankful that the day was coming to an end. It had been a long day of dealing with technicalities for a mission you completed the day before. Whenever a water balloon drops onto your head and you gasp and jump. The water trickles down your shirt and onto the floor. You could feel anger in the pit of your stomach.
     You turn and see no one, which only means that it could be someone, and that someone is Loki. Your grit your teeth as you see the severed green balloon in your door way. This only proved your theory even futher, because Loki loves green. Plus he is the only one who would actually go through with something this stupid- actually no, that is a lie. You know a certain billionaire who would also do something around these lines.
    You quickly go into your room and grab a towel throwing it onto the floor and wiping the floor. Afterwards you take a shower and decided that the best form of revenge was no revenge at all. Instead you would ignore both Tony and Loki, just to have a few options.
   The next day you and Bruce set having a cup of coffee whenever Tony walked in. Operation ignore idiots, officially in play. Tony sat across from you and gave you a wide smile. A not to innocent smile. "Good morning y/n." You bring the coffee to your lips, staring dead into his eyes, so he knew you heard him. You pushed your chair out from under you and walk to the sink and put your mug in.
    "Good day Bruce." You wave and head to the training room. Tony and Bruce exchange confused glances.
   "What was that about?"

  After hours of training with both Steve and Natasha you grabbed a water bottle and you chug the bottle down and wipe the sweat from your brow. "Water is quite refreshing, is it not?" You glamce up and see Loki leaned onto the door frame. You stare into his soul and look to Natasha.
    "Again tomorrow right?" You ask and she nods and looks over to Loki. You nod and give her a wide smile, but it fades as soon as you turn to the doorway and Loki is still perched on the door frame.
    "You didn't answ-!" He begins, but you push him out of the door way and continue on to your room too shower. Natasha looked at him and stifled a laugh. Loki rolled his eyes and teleported to his room.
   You continue on like this for a couple days. You knew Tony was innocent, so you did apologize to him and explained the situation and he also vowed to keep it a secret, but you heard him tell Bruce as you where walking out. The nerve of some people. You sat in your room reading a book, not wanting to venture out of your room quite yet. You bumped your head to the music and turned the page. Wait- this couldn't possible be the last page!? You flipped back and forth between pages, waiting for pages to miraculously appear. None did, so you groaned and threw the book down onto the bed and groaned.
    You stood and walked to the door, realizing you hadn't had breakfast. You open the door and is shocked to see Loki pacing back and forth infront of your door. His hair was askew and his eyes shot up to yours. He looked like he was about to murder someone. "I can not go on like this!" He yelled and you looked down the hall to see Clint shrug looking between the two of you. You go to push him out of the way whenever he grabs your wrist and pulls you back. "You can not ignore me forever." He says and grips your waist with the other hand. You glare up at him and struggle to pull away.
    "You done this to yourself." You spat and try to pull away. He holds you in place. Even thought the words you spoke where venomous, he was glad to know that you had spoken to him.
    "It was just a water balloon." He protests and forcefully leads you back into your room and shutting the door behind him, so you couldn't get out. He releases you and you cross your arms.
    "Yeah, a balloon after I had a horrid day." You say and glare back at him. He bites his lip. He had been so focused on getting your attention, he hadn't noticed how your day was going. "Even now, I don't receive a simple, 'I'm sorry'." You sag and look away from him. He feels his ribs tighten around his lungs and he looks at your angry features.
     "What do you want me to say? Do you wish to hear me say, that I'm sorry and that my attempt to capture your attention was a horrible failure? Then so be it. Y/n L/n I can not bare another day without even a single word being directed towards me. I want you to see me. I want to capture your every thought and your spare time." He pauses hesitating, knowing what he was about to say would expose him completely to you. He took a few steps towards you. Your face had turned a dark red and your mouth hung open. "I-I want to be yours." He finished. His face was now matching yours and he looked sincerely into your eyes. You quickly shut your mouth and stare at the god.           
     His hand was shaking, but he used it to cup your steaming cheeks. You eased at his touch; slightly leaning into it. He let out a shakey breath as you didn't pull away. "I-I understand if you don't feel the same." He stammered nervously as your close your eyes and exhale. Your hand trails up to his, which cupped your face, and you placed it on top of his.
      "Loki." You say quietly as he exaims your now peacefully, flushed face. He hums, informing you to go on. Your eyes open and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a slow, long kiss. You could feel each other practically melting against each other. All the tension built up between the two of you dissolved into the kiss.
    You kiss gently at his top lip as he does the same to your bottom lip. He hums and holds you tightly to him. You never wanted to break from his soft lips, now that you knew how good it felt to press yours to his. "My love." He whispers against you as he goes in for another kiss. You gladly co-operate and break. "My universe." He says and holds you tightly against him.

                    (A few years later)
   You hold a book in your hand walking to your room. The team had been acting very strangely all day. It put you on gaurd. You turned the door handle and a water balloon come crashing down onto you. You screech and jump. You quickly turn around too see Loki on once knee with a box in his hand. Your mouth hung open and a wide grin spread across your face. You could feel your hands shaking. Was this for real? Tears panged at the back of your eyes and you covered your mouth with your hand. Overwhelming joy flooded throughout your body, causing the tears to stream down your face. A flash flooded the room and you look back to see Tony holding a camera. He smiled and pointed back down to Loki. You looked back down to him."Will yo ma-"
     "Yes! Oh my gods yes!" You yell and pounce on him. He chuckles and catches you and you nuzzle into his chest.
     "I didn't get to finish." He says and you glance up to him. You blush and look away then back to him. He cups your face and wipes away your joyous tears.
    "Technicalities." You shrug and kiss him, feeling those same intense feeling you had with your first kiss. He kisses back without hesitation. Your hearts beat so loudly in your chest that you could hear them ringing in your ears. Another flash went through the hallway and you could hear the happy screams from your friends. You finally break from his lips and stare deeply into his seaweed green eyes. "I love you, Loki Laufeyson." You whisper and press your forehead against his. His free arm wrapped around your waist tightly and he smiled.
     "I love you too Y/n Laufeyson" He speaks softly and pecks your lips lovingly. You laughed and he soon followed suit. You liked the way his last name seemed so forien yet intracing.  Your stare deep into his eyes and a smirk crawls onto your lips.
     "Y/n Laufeyson, has a ring to it." You say and wink. He smirks and holds onto you tightly.
     "I totally got that whole thing on record." Bruce says suddenly. Both you and Loki's attention snapped from each others gaze, to Bruce's break in character and the old style recorder he held. Everyone busts out laughing. You swear you love these people.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora