Some more Angst (Loki)

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I know you're probably thinking, 'Author, why so much Loki angst?' Well lets be truly honest, who doesn't want Loki angst? Angst has all the juicy goodness that we subconsciously crave. You can't deny it. You low-key love it. You crave it. It is like a drug addiction and I am your 'humble' dealer. ⚠️Now this does have some suicidal contents, so if you can't deal with that kind of thing, It is totally cool, just skip over this chapter. ⚠️

   You ran through the violent streets of New York City, in search for your dangerous ex. He was the cause of all this destruction. The world was collapsing around you. You hurdled up various flights of stairs, to get to the very top of the Stark Tower. Swarms of alien crafts swirled around tower like a flock of wild birds. Your legs were burning like crazy, but you proceeded to run. You push the top door open too see Loki standing there back turned to you. "Loki!" You screamed and he turned from the portal to you. His eyes widened and he stared at you for a moment.
    "Y/n? What a pleasent suprise, so this is where you've been hiding all this time?" He said and raised an amused eyebrow. He looked calm on the outside, but his heart was hammering against his chest. It had been over three years since he last saw you. Matter of fact it was the same day you had left Asgaurd and disappeared off the edge of the universe.
    "Loki stop this." You plead and shift uncomfortable in your silver plated armour.
     "Isn't it funny? You show back up to save this world on the same day you disappeared from your kingdom." He says and points a dagger at you. He laughs. "The day I despreatly needed you." He shook his head and crosses his arms. His mind was racing with thoughts.
    "Loki, please." You say stepping towards him.

   "No! You don't get to talk!" He yells and throws his dagger. It stabs the place by your foot. You clinch the small pistol in your hand. He takes in a deep breath.  "You know, I desperately searched for you for a year, with no end? The kingdom thought you died, but I-I knew better!" He yelled again and he walked towards you. Anger clear in his eyes. Daggers fell from his sleeve and into his hand.  "Now you will experience the pain that I felt when you left me." He said and threw a dagger at you which you dodged only to come back up to his fist. It made contact and you stumbled back. He had never gave any slack whenever it came to dueling you, back on Asgaurd. You quickly pointed the gun at him and shot. He vanished in thin air and reapeared behind you. You turned quickly and his hand grabbed the wrist of your gun hand. He squeezed it causing a sharp pain to run through you. You groaned in pain and brought your other hand up to make contact with his face. His head turned with the contact of your fist and he smirked.
  How he enjoyed your feeble attempts to stop him. It gave him thrills he could never describe. He twisted your arm and you cried out as you turned your back now facing him. Once false move and your arm could break. He kicked the back of your knee causing you to kneel. "Do you feel that?" He paused to admire your old amour. "That is not even a fraction of the pain I felt." He said. You were at his mercy. Tears stung at your eyes. You knew you hurt him, but you also knew that if you didn't leave it would have been a lot worse.
   You had went too seek wisdom from Heimdall. He had told you that your father was coming back for you and that if you didn't leave Asgaurd would fall. So you left. You harboured no hatred towards Heimdall or anyone of Asgaurd, for it was you who came to him and he just told you the truth. You swore him to secrecy, so they wouldn't come looking for you. You wanted them safe.
   "Loki." You said tear pricking at your eyes. "I never ment to hurt you." You said your voice shaky. He scoffed and let go of your arm after a tight squeeze.
   "Oh please, I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses." He spats and he frowns crossing his arms. You stood up slowly. A single tear fell from your eye.
    "It wasn't my choice!" You yelled and threw his own dagger, that he threw at your feet earlier, at him. It pirced his shoulder and he hissed out in pain as his eyes squint at you.
   "Oh please, everyone has a choice." He says and removes the dagger from his shoulder.
   "I leave or Asgaurds fall. Those where my options!" You yell and the portal begins to buzz. Loki's eyes exaim yours for any hesitation or lies. How could he trust you after you deserted him? He couldn't. All he saw were your glossy teary eyes that had always drawn him in. He bit the inside of his cheek fighting for self-control. "My father was coming for me. I couldn't risk your lifes for the sake of my happiness." Tears had begun to stream down your face. "Stop this Loki." You say. He frowns and looks away from you.
   "I'm sorry, but I can't do that." He speaks unsure of himself and you. You bite your lip and looked behind you. You wouldn't let another world fall again.
    "Fine." Was all you said and you backed yourself up to the edge of the roof. Loki's eyes watched you move. His heart started hammering in chest even faster. Your heel went over the edge and you looked up at Loki. His eyes scanned you.
  "What are you doing?" You looked down off of the roof too the pavement, which seemed a million stories high. You could feel the turning feeling in your stomach as your foot kicked some of the rubble from the roof. "You think that killing yourself would stop me? I could care less." He paused, hoping that he could convice you too stop. He truly did care and you knew this, but hearing those words from him hurt you deeply. You took in a shakey breath and close your eyes.
  "Okay." Was all you said and leaned back. The air whistled past your head.
    "Y/n!" Loki yelled as he ran to the edge. He jumped off the roof after your falling figure. His hair whipped against his skin. He was scared he didn't want you to die. He loves you. Thats when the back of your head came into contact with hard surface knocking you unconscious.
    Loki's eyes widened whenever he saw that Black Widow hijacked one of his alien's glider and used it to catch Y/n. He felt slightly relieved and he did the same. Now all he needed to do was get you away from the red head. He wiped away the small tears from his eyes and let out a shakey breath; instructing his diver to chase after Black Widow.
    Natasha saw how important you were to Loki and intended to use it to her advantage. Was it fucked up? Yeah, but he was trying to concur the world. This was a perfect opertunity to get the machine shut down. Natasha didn't want to hurt you. She actually tried her best to keep your unconscious body from falling off the glider at every sharp turn and everytime shots where fired at her. She landed the glider onto of stark tower and waited for Loki's arrival, which came quickly. He hoped off the glider without it stopping.
  "You have something of mine." He spat and pointed towards Y/n, who laied unconscious on Natasha's back. "I want it back." He said taking agressive steps towards Natasha, who gripped a knife in her hand. She slung you off of her back roughly and pulled you up by your hair; placing the knife at your neck.
   "Move and they die." She said bitterly. Not a hint of hesitation in her voice. Loki's feet stopped as he stared at the scene. He bit the inside of his cheek as his brain was trying too cook up a plot to get you back. "Turn it off." She speaks again and the knife slowly diggs into   Y/n's neck releasing a bit of blood. Loki's fingernails dig into his palm as he watches.

   "Stop that!" He yells and goes to step forward, but quickly stopped as Black Widow yanked your head up roughly. "You know I can't do that." He says and motions his hand toward the portal. "So stop fighting back. It is useless. Your worlds end is unavoidable. Give up." He says and crosses his arm.
   "Fine." She says and digs the knife deeper into her neck.
  "What are yo- Stop!" Loki yells.
"Last chance Loki." She says.
  "I can't!" He yells.
  "Suit yourself." She says and shruggs. She begins to pull it across leaving a small trickle a blood behind. Loki's heart pounds widly. He didn't want you hurt. He couldn't bear it.
  "Fine!" He yells and she stops. She picks Y/n and motions toward the portal. He bites his lip and walks towards it shutting it down. Natasha threw Y/n at his feet. She felt bad for leaving the damage on you, but you would live. From what Thor said, you were asgaurdian and had been Loki's lover for sometime. Until your disappearance that is.
  He scrambled over to you and immeaditly began to heal you. He pulled you into his lap and held your head to his chest. His breaths were deep and shakey. The whole experience left the crawling anxiety and panick that vibrated through his shakey limps. Your consciousness had came back to the beating sound of a heart and a warmth you've only known as Loki. You snuggled into his chest for warmth, unaware of what had happened. Thats when that warmth was snatched away from you. "Unhand me!" Loki yelled trying too pull away. You stood quickly, but everything was spinning. "Y/n!" You could hear his voice calling for you over and over again. Natasha grabbed your arm to steady you.
"Loki!" You yelled trying your best to escape Natasha who is now holding you back. You eyes focused on a metal suit, a sheild, Loki, and Thor. "Thor! Do something! Loki!" You finally pulled from Black Widow only to have Thor trap you in a bare hug. "LET GO OF ME!" you yelled with tears stinging at your eyes.
"Y/n, I'm sorry." Thor said and tried too compose himself. Sorrow had washed over you and you fell limp in Thor's arms as they took Loki away. You had lost your love for a second time and both where your fault. Tear streamed down your face as you cried into Thor's chest. The sorrow washes over you as you saw the reason for your only existence getting taken away. 'Maybe if you where around to help him through his problems, he wouldn't have done this. If only I where there.' You thought reaching your hand out to him.

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