⚠️Love triangle ⚠️ (Loki)

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 a/n: (This is hella long js)

Your long, black dress, with spirals of plated gold, dragged across the floor as you enter the asgaurdian gates. The guards immeaditly stand down and welcome you into castle.

   "Welcome princess (Y/n), how long has it been?" Firgga asks with a wide smile; Odin and their two sons by side. You smile back and straighten up your dress.

   "Well, I'd say too long." You say and walk up and hug her. She laughs softly and hugs you back. We break from the hug and you shake Odins hand. "Nice too see you." You greet and give him a toothy smile in which he returns.

   "Yes, nice too see you Y/n!" He says and pulls you in patting your back. You pat his back back trying not too suffocate in his beard. Once that painful hug was over you straighten out your dress.

  "Ah, where are Thor and Loki?" You tease looking at the two of them. A smile cracks up on Thor's face, while Loki sighs happily and crosses his arms.

"Lady Y/n! You've grown splendidly!" Thor shouts and engulfs you in a death trap, rather than a hug. You try too suck in as much air as possible.

  "Too tight." You whimper, trying too remove yourself from the hug. He understands and lets go quickly. "Look at yourself Thor. You have grown much too the ladys liking yourself." You say sending him a playful wink. Little did you know, they both took it rather seriously. Thors face turned a dark red as he let out a hearty laugh, but Loki gritted his teeth and faked a soft laugh. Your eyes cut too Loki and you smile. "And if it isn't Loki Odinson." You say looking him up and down with a smirk. His face flushed slightly.

  "You look rather ravashing yourself, my lady." He says clearing his throat. "The years treated you fairly, I assume?" He adds and cuts his eyes to Thor, whos smile was fading as the seconds passed.  Your eyes cut too the floor quickly, before back up at the two of them.

"Well, we'll have too discuss it over dinner, yes?" You ask, with a fake smile.  The truth is, your families kingdom is suffering through a depression. The food rations where low and enemy kingdoms had you cornered. You needed to marry into the asgaurdian kingdom for the benefit of your kingdom.

   You didn't mind though, you found the two princes quiet interesting to say the least. You had visited their kingdom plenty of times during childhood. Your father had mention marrying one of them when you where younger. Which ended up with the two princes's fighting for your hand as children. It was very amusing, but you always had a thing for guys who where clever and quick to catch onto the suddle things. This always gave Loki the upper hand with you.  "Shall I lead the way, lady     Y/n?" Loki asked holding his arm out. Frigga and Odin exchange amussed glances, which Thor sees.

  "Oh Loki, you needn't worry about it. I've got it covered." Thor adds quickly holding his arm out for you. You stare at the two of them quizzily. "I'm sure you have spells to practice and such." Thor adds with a wide smile, thinking he had him beat.

  "Loki! You're learning spells? You must show me one in our down time!" You exclaim grabbing onto his arm excitedly. Loki smiles down at you, enjoying the jealously radiating off of his brother.

  "Oh well, I don't want to bore you with such frizziless things." He says and beging too walk. You roll your eyes playfully and shake your head.

  "I'm sure whatever it is that your studying is absolutely fasinating and I would love to see it." You say clinging too his arm for both moral and physical support. He smiles and looks away from you too his path ahead.

  "Well to hold you over, till down time." He begins and with a snap of his fingers and a wave of his hand a (favorite flower) was summoned into his hand. "A pretty flower for a pretty lady." He says and tucks it behind your ear. You smile and look down at the floor. Your cheeks burning ever so slightly. You bit your lip out of habit and tried to stifle a childish laugh.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن