A Thousand Years (Loki)

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     You walk down the street, smelling the wonderful smell of freshly baked breads and treats. It was your fifth day off from S.H.I.E.L.D. You had to admit the job was quiet tiring. You watch as little kids run around the park laughing and having fun.
     The destruction of New York was becoming a distant thought as the loud construction workers scampered the streets. You smile and give them a friendly wave, in which they return. Your phone buzzes in your pocket and the distinct ringtone you had for S.H.I.E.L.D starts to go off.
    'Your work is calling. Do not pick up the phone.' 

  You groan and flip it out of your pocket. "Agent (L/n), at your service." You say, trying to ignore how weird it felt to 'agent' in front of your last name.
    "We need you to come in. It's about the Loki job." Director Furry's low voice buzzes through the phone. You let out a hum and look around for the black SUV. You heard a truck horn blow and you look behind you.
     "Found ya. I'll be there in a sec." You hang the phone up and get in the SUV.
    The ride to the Avengers base was long and filled with information on Loki and the job you would be conducting. Which, by the way, was watching Loki for a few weeks to determine if he was stable enough to join the Avengers. Of course, if he where they would have to change his name and appearance to keep the citizens at bay, but you figured with his magical ability to shape shift it wouldn't be a problem.
    You thought the Loki had many abilities that would prove helpful to the team, even if you wouldn't be on it. You were just their babysitter. You watch over their progress and report to Furry if anything seemed off. Even though you are only a few months into S.H.I.E.L.D Furry seemed to trust you a great deal. Which you know, because you always uphold a trustworthy and loyal impression. Thats why it was so easy for you to get on the inside, another reason Furry added you the Avengers job.
     The Black SUV came to a stop. You thank the driver and hop out of the truck. Once you got up to the door you let it scan your finger print and you type in the password. The door let out a click and you walk into the main lobby. "Welcome home." You wave at thin air.
    "A pleasure to be back, Clint." You say knowing he was guarding the door, in the air shafts. You never understood what was so fun about keeping gaurd on a door that you knew was pretty secure, but hey if that makes you feel better then go for it. "Jarvis take me to the cell floor, please." You say as you step into the elevator. It dinged and the doors shut. You could feel your stomach lurch as the elevator started to move.
     You always hated elevators. They always made you feel uneasy. You'd watched too many movies were the elevators had gave out.
     You grab onto the elevator handle to help compose yourself. The nausea started to swim up soon, but thankfully the door dinged and opened. You step out quickly and immeaditly feel better.
     Thor leaned against the wall and looked up at you. His eyes grew bigger and you raised an eyebrow. "Surprised too see me?" You ask and stop infront of him.
    "I suppose you could say that. I just didn't think they would assign you to this mission." He says and straightens out. You give him a petty look and he clears his throat. "I didn't mean to question your skill. You are just new is all." He says quickly and motions for you to follow. You cross your arms scowling at the back of his head.
     "Yes, well if there is a problem i'm sure Director Furry would love to discuss it." You say feeling a bit aggervated. Thor chuckles softly and stops infront of Loki's cell.
     "Brother." Thor says and Loki turns around with his arms crossed. He exaims Thor then you. You could've sworn you seen suprise flicker in his eyes. He takes a deep breath and looks over to Thor. Thor nods and you stand there looking at the two of them, before you clear your own throat.
      "Agent L/n, at your service. I've heard many things about you. None of them where very good, so I hope to change that." You begin and stare directly at Loki. A smirk crawls onto his lips and he rolls his eyes.
    "What kind of things did you hear about me, love?" He says and steps closer to the glass door. You stay in your spot and try to ignore the smirk tugging at your lips.
    "Things that aren't very flattering." You say, playing along with the game he was making. A flicker of excitement runs through his eyes and he looks over to Thor.
    "I like her." He says bluntly causing you to chuckle and look down at your feet. Once you look back up, Thor is unlocking the glass door and he grabs a pair of hand cuffs.
   "Those won't be necessary, Thor. Though I do appreciate your concern." You say and place a hand on Thor's pushing the hands cuffs back onto the table. You turn back to Loki and smile curtly.  "Now, if we shall. I would like to move along in clearing your name." You say and begin to walk.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now